A Start.

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Her eyes fluttered open slightly before closing, a small smile on her face.

Groaning softly, she yawned noisily, stretching as well. The bed was soft, softer than the one she'd been waking up to for the past seventeen years.

Rose opened her eyes a little and then they widened. This wasn't her room.

Shocked she sat up.

"Where am I?" She voiced panicking.
It was still way early in the morning but she was a morning person, but that still didn't explain the reason she was there.

Glancing by the lamp stand she saw her effects on top of the drawer.
She grabbed her purse and got off the bed.

She looked down at her clothes, she was no longer wearing the ruined dress, she was wearing a sweat shirt and pant.

Then everything from last night came rushing back.

From her going to the party to when she was made fun of, to when Michael showed up and became her shoulder to cry on.

I'm a Christian now.

She thought smiling, remembering all that had happened last night.

She'd confessed him right there on the steps where they'd sat.

At the foot of the bed, Rose saw the gown she'd worn the night before clean and neatly folded.

She hadn't wanted to relive what took place at the party but it was difficult seeing the blatant evidence on her bed.

Rose thought back to the ice eyed stranger that was now her friend.

The corner of her lips curled up in a small smile. The weight was off her chest and she was glad.

She thought it would have killed her if she hadn't said anything.

She knew where she was now but she needed to leave.

'And go where?' She thought.

Marcus would still be home. She gulped. Mum wouldn't be back until an hour.

The door to the bathroom was right in front of her but she kept thinking,
last night was a night she'd never forget.

What made it worse was the fact that she was betrayed by the girl she'd once called her friend, again. The pain cut through her deeper than a knife.

How could she ever show her face again, to her and the rest of school?

Suddenly the image of the boy that rescued her flashed across her mind.


Rose smiled. She'd only just met him and he'd done so much for her. She was in their guestroom, she could tell from the interior.

It only had the basics nothing more. The room looked cosy and expensive. His father had good taste.

'Just like dad.'

The unwanted thought added. She shook her head to clear it of its depressing thoughts.

"Not now."

She needed to find Michael and thank him for his kindness and generosity and ask if she could stay for a little while longer.

Rose carefully got off the bed. She opened the dark mahogany door and slid out the door.

She was hearing muffled voices down the hallway so she quietly closed the door and followed the voice.

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