What you know to be true.

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Michael was just on his way back from where he'd gotten the tickets for the concert. It was a hassle might he add.

Asher was in the front seat with him. He'd been glaring at his phone for a while now and Michael knew that it had to do with his parents.

"You alright buddy?" Michael asked. Asher sighed.

"They're at it again. I don't understand. If he still loves her, why doesn't he just say so, what's with the twenty questions?" He asked referring to the recent calls from his father.

Michael sighed. Asher was angry, he could tell that much and most of all at his father. He hadn't always been a good husband or father, always neglecting his wife and kids.

Asher's mother not being able to deal with it any longer had sought comfort in the arms of another man leaving him and a little sister behind, and it was something Asher was still finding hard to forgive her for.

Michael glanced at his friend again.
It was always rare seeing Asher like this. It was always only about his family.

"If you truly love someone, you care for them and stick together no matter what," Asher whispered the last part. Michael looked at his friend. He understood his pain.

It's not easy being on your own while your parents are separated and practically lives on the other end of the planet.

It was the only time he ever saw Asher display any real feelings.

Asher looked at his phone. He took care of himself even though the only thing that had always been there was the money.

Asher rolled his eyes. As if money could fill the parent-sized hole that no child should ever have to grow up with.

Even though he was okay on his own, there were still times when he wished they were together like they were before, before his father got consumed with making money and his mum abandoning them.

"At least you have Jesus," Michael said, breaking Asher's line of thought. At that, he smiled a little.

"Yeah, I do. You and I both know I wouldn't have turned out this well without him. I pray for them, more than you think. I even think he's changed a little." Asher said referring to his Dad. They chuckled lightly.

Asher remembered the last time his father called, he'd uncharacteristically asked after his mother, if he'd heard from her. He'd snapped at his father that day. The truth was, he hadn't heard from his mother since she left them and he knew that.

They fell into silence for a while before Asher spoke up again.

"How is Rose doing?" Asher changed the subject. Michael's mood dropped considerably and it didn't fail Asher's notice.

"I don't know. I haven't seen her since this morning." Michael answered.

"I'm anxious to tell you the truth," Asher spoke up, smiling slightly.

Michael raised an eyebrow.
"What, you mean the cool Asher is nervous? Well, I never thought I'd see the d-" Asher elbowed him in the guts.

"Shut up and just drive?"

They got to the clearing and threaded gently through the woods to the cabin. It was three in the afternoon and everyone was inside.

"I'm starving. Chloe, what's for dinner?" Asher asked, entering the cozy room.

"Rabbit." Micheal who had been quietly seeping some water spat it out.

"Come again?"

They both exchanged a 'say what' look.

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