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#Entry 2# 31st March 2020.

It has been a week since I died and came back to life.

The doctors couldn't explain it and honestly neither could I. I'd only read about it and watched movies of people coming back to life, but I never thought I'd experience it first hand.

It was an odd experience, the whole thing. I mean I saw the HOLY SPIRIT! I mean how often does that happen.

*clears throat*

As I was saying...

Despite everything that has happened, something was definitely different. Everything felt different.

I, felt different. I can't explain it. There is now this buzz of energy that seems to hover over me. It was warm and cozy and...comforting.

I knew it was Him. But I don't know how to reach out, well at least not yet.

Marcus is behind bars.


I really don't want to think about what happened. I'm just glad and grateful that I'm alive and recovering.

Most of my wounds were healing fast, and I'm not sure it's because of the medicine they give me, because the doctors and nurse kept giving me strange looks each time they came to check up on me.

Michael has been distant these past days. I won't say it didn't bother me because it did.

Everyone else had been to the hospital after the surgery, even mum but never him. I asked Asher about it but he'd only shrugged, saying he'll get over it.

Get over what? I didn't know.


Dear diary, I keep feeling something is about to happen, call it a gut feeling or whatever you want but I'm afraid we won't all be ready for it."

#End of entry.#

Rose sighed, closing the diary before putting it back in her bag. The hospital room was cold as usual but no one was in.

She sighed again. It was boring being all by herself.

She hated the silence, because no one would be there to distract her from her raging thoughts. She wanted to know more about the Holy Spirit, she wanted to know more about Jesus and God.

She at least knew they were one and the same but she didn't understand completely. She guess it was Michael's job to teach her then.

Rose smiled slightly. She didn't think she could thank him enough. But he wasn't here and she couldn't help but think she'd done something wrong. She lowered her eyes, the smile vanishing.

Was it so bad that...he hadn't wanted to see her?

She knew they were all still in class and school would be over in an hour.
She looked at her bandaged arms and legs.

She still wouldn't be able to go to school for a while, not even to her job, not that she had needed the job. But it had been a distraction from home, from everything.

Rose jumped when she heard a knock on the door. She wasn't expecting anyone but she was beyond surprised when Mimi, her co-worker from Bon-Appetite peered her head through door.

"Mimi?" Rose asked incredulously as if she was staring at a ghost.

"Hey gurl!"

Mimi walked, more like skipped gleefully towards her. She was holding a small package.

In The Last Days Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant