Clarity 2.

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*Warning- there is use of strong language in this chapter. Viewers discretion is advised*

A few hours later, the party ended and everyone went on their way.

Michael had met up with his girlfriend later. She was pissed he hadn't come looking for her at all. He apologized and they made up in the same room he'd used earlier.

A few minutes later, he kissed her goodbye settling her down in her car.

"Be careful babes," Michael said.

Amber pouted.

"I always am Mikey." She blew him a kiss and was off.

Michael turned around to see Asher silently brooding beside his black Mustang.

"Sheesh. What crawled up your a*s and laid eggs?" He joked lightly. But one glare from Asher made him shut up.

He saw his tousled hair which looked more ruffled than usual, a sign he'd ran his hand through it one too many times.

Michael knew it must have something to do with his father. He sighed and leaned against the car as well.

"What did he do this time?" Michael asked running a hand through his own hair. He was going to need another smoke for this.

"It's Lara," Asher answered monotonously.

Michael understood his friend and waited.

He knew it was not easy for him to talk about things especially when they had to do with his family. But he was glad he trusted him enough to let him in.

"He threatened to stop paying her tuition if she got into more trouble. She almost got expelled last week." Asher said.

Michael shrugged nonchalantly.

"Your pops always say stuff like that but never really have the stones to do it." Michael's hand shook slightly as he reached into his pocket for another smoke.

The tremors have been getting worse. He'd stopped the drugs for a while now but it looked as if he'd start again soon.

Despite how much he tried hiding it from Asher, he saw his hand shake as he placed the stick between his lips. Asher looked at him with the same passive stare.

"You really should stop using that sh*t, it's messing you up." He said referring to the drugs he knew he used.

Michael removed the cigarette stick from his lips and faced him.

"I stopped using and this is what happens. It doesn't seem to be doing any good." He explained.

Asher would have advised him seeing someone but they both knew telling their parents was out of the question.

"I know a guy. He could h-" Michael cut him off.

"Nah, I'm good. See you, Asher." Michael leaned off his car and began walking towards his own Impala but not before turning and telling Asher who'd been silently watching him all the while,

"Don't worry about your pops. He's a d**k but he won't cut her off." Asher watched as his friend hopped into his car and sped off.

Asher sighed running a hand through his already tousled hair. He hated the haze he constantly felt and he wondered if there was ever going to be anything beyond it.

A peace maybe? The drinks weren't helping anymore.

His friend had his own baggage and he had his but for how long were they going to keep doing this?

He closed his eyes and sighed, then got into his own car. He needed a distraction and he knew just where to go and soon he was on the road.

Michael got home about two in the morning. Not even caring about the rain that was now beginning to fall, he made his way to the front door.

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