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"This wasn't what I had in mind," Rose said with dread as they stood in front of the famous shopping mall.

When Chloe had asked for a girl's day out, she'd thought they'd hang out, gist a little, but clearly, Chloe had other plans.

Rose gulped.

"Come on Rose. You're gonna love it!" Chloe said, clearly happy she had a buddy to tag along.

"And besides, it's high time we got away from all the boy drama." She rolled her eyes throwing her hands into the air for emphasis.

Rose chuckled. She'd always liked Chloe. She was very bubbly and friendly and not to mention very persuasive.

She practically had to drag her all the way here from her house.

"Shall we?" Chloe asked leading the way.

"Of course." Rose replied.

Rose gulped, hooking her hand with Chloe's as they entered the very porshe mall.

Her mother used to bring her there as a child, but she would always run away because of the mannequins.

She swore they were always watching her.

Even now grown, Rose couldn't help feeling a bit of the paranoia.

One of the attendants led them to a place.

The section was filled with shoes, bags, everything that could make the day of any fashionista.

Rose could feel the slight chill from the air conditioners but it was relaxing in a way.

Chloe got to work immediately. Rose just took a seat, clearly seeing that this was a job for the professionals.

Chloe came back a minute later with two trolleys.

"Let's get busy." She giggled.

Rose smiled.

"So what's the occasion?" Rose asked after trying on seven gowns which all met the disapproving shake of Chloe's head.

A slight blush rose to Chloe's cheek and Rose wondered why.

She looked so cute.

Chloe cleared her throat, placing a pair of heels back on the shelf.

"It's the twins' birthday in a few weeks." She answered.

Rose's eyes lit up and she put on a cheeky grin when she noticed Chloe's blush.

"That is amazing. What date is it?" Rose asked.

Chloe's smile broadened as she answered,

"It's the 19th, we're throwing them a party. But don't tell them, it's a surprise." She confided.

Rose noticed the smile that was still on Chloe's face as she stared into the distance, sighing dreamily.

And the cheeky smile on Rose's face wasn't leaving anytime soon.

Rose picked absentmindedly at the clothes.

"Which one of them do you like?" She asked nonchalantly, knowing the effect it was bound to have on Chloe.

Chloe spluttered as her face turned red all the way down to her neck.

"Wh-What do you mean?" She hid her face behind one of the trolleys.

Ah ah!

She knew it.

Chloe did have a crush on one of them.

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