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Michael's heart was pounding uninhibited in his chest, almost as fast as the car he was currently driving.

If anything happened to her, he would never forgive himself.



Marcus dragged her out from under the bed. Light brown eyes met dark brown ones. She could feel the fear coursing through her veins as she shook under his fearful gaze.

"Please don't hurt-"


She fell to the floor. Her eyes were wide and turned to the side. He'd just slapped her.

"Shut up!" He yelled.

She let out a scream as he got closer. She tried to crawl away from him but it was no use.

Rose screamed as he grabbed her roughly by the hair.

*coughs* This is where it gets slightly intense . Reader's discretion is advised. If it gets too much for you to read, please skip this chapter.

"You think you could hide from me uhn?!"


The back of his hand collided forcefully with her check again and she shrieked back from the intensity.

"I'll teach you." Marcus promised.

With his hand still on her hair, he dragged her out her door towards the stairs.

Her cheeks stung as tears coursed down her face. The stairs came into view and she struggled to remove his grip on her hair.

Not again.

She wasn't sure she could survive another fall.

"Marcus please. Please." He looked at her tear stained face and a devilish smile broke out on his face.

They were by the stairs now and he let her go.

Rose coughed and her hooded eyes widened when she saw her blood splattered on the marbled floor.

Snapping out of it, she tried to move. She yelped-everywhere hurts.

She looked at the awkward angle her hand was now in and grimaced. She knew it was broken.

Roo was facing the door and the thought of running for it crossed her my mind but then she heard him coming down the stairs and her blood turned to ice.

She tried wiggling away from him, but he was faster.

"Where do you think you're going?" Marcus seethed.

He swung a kick to her ribs. Her hands instinctively went around her sides. Rose coughed up more blood as the kicks kept on coming.

She cringed in pain at the sound of her own bones breaking and nearly lost consciousness when he delivered a blow to her head.

Rose was now facing the ceiling, silently waiting, waiting for the bright light to end it all.

She closed her eyes.

"You know you're mum was alright but she never did it for me."

Marcus smirked when he saw her eyes snap back open.

"I did get what I wanted from her though." He revealed.

He walked round her.

"She wasn't smart enough to figure out I was only using her to get to the money."

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