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His normal stoicness was replaced with annoyance and a bit of frustration.

"Asher?" He turned around. His crystal brown eyes were tired and she noticed that they were slightly red.

Rose remembered the call he'd had a few days ago, he had seemed agitated like he was now.

"Rosie. I didn't hear you come in." Asher cut the call and slid the phone back into his pocket. He was looking anywhere but at her, but when he did look at her, his stoic mask was back in place.

Rose furrowed her eyebrows slightly, he was good at hiding his emotions but she knew that something was wrong.

"What's wrong Asher?" Rose could have sworn his mask broke for a split second before it was perfectly back in place.

"There's nothing wrong Rosie. And aren't you supposed to be with them watching your cartoon?"

He said nodding towards the door that led to the living room where she could hear Sid, her favorite character talking.

She didn't know why but she felt a prick of hurt at his dismissal.

"I'm sorry." Asher sighed sensing her hurt. Asher sank down on the kitchen chair suddenly looking more tired than she'd ever seen him. She came beside him and sat down.

Rose didn't talk for a while,she didn't want to prod him, hoping he'd talk on his own.

"It's my sister, she's become more of a delinquent than anything else." He sighed.

Rose took the information in. She never really knew much about him, but she was happy he was confiding in her. Asher glanced her way and was shocked to see her listening attentively.

And when Rose smiled at him, he felt that there was nothing he couldn't tell her. The kitchen door opened and Nathan came in.

"Whoah. Sorry to intrude." Asher broke eye contact with Rose and told him to leave.

"Can't you see we're in the middle of something here?" Asher grumbled annoyed at being interrupted. Rose chuckled.

"Sorry man." Nathan said, his hands in a surrendering posture. He left them alone but came back a few seconds later.

"Sorry, forgot my chips." Nathan quickly grabbed the chips off the table and quickly scurried back out the door escaping Asher's glare.

Asher sighed. Rose broke out into a chuckle and something about it was contagious and he joined her. She stared at him in awe. It was the first time she'd seen Asher laugh.

"Come on, let's get out of here. Let's go somewhere we won't be interrupted again." He said.

Rose nodded. Asher helped her up and together they left the cabin. It was well into the day and the birds chirped happily without a care in the world.

They walked up a path west of the cabin. They trekked on for what seemed like hours into the non-ending woods.

Rose glanced up at him. Asher didn't seem to have worked up a sweat, but her own breathing was as laboured as a woman about to give birth.

"Do you need a minute?" Asher asked amusement dancing in his eyes.

"No. No, I'm good." He chuckled. Wanting to break the silence, Rose said the first thing that popped into her mind.

"So Ash, tell me about your gift." He asked calling him by his nickname. He raised an eyebrow.

"Which one?"

"You have more?" Rose gasped surprised.

He answered her with a nod.

"You already know I can sense presences. I even sensed a while back as we walked."

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