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Dedicated to tollyniz and OladeleOluwaDamilare. Thanks so much for your support on this book. 😘


Summer was over and another school year had begun. Rose raced down the stairs, notes sticking out of her bag at odd angles. She was going to be late.

"Bye Mum!" She quickly bidded before racing out the door, not even hearing the muffled reply of her mother who was cooking in the kitchen.

"Honey, you forgot dinner!" She didn't think there was enough time to stuff the sandwich in her bag. So she ignored her growling stomach and bolted for the door.

"Thanks mum, not hungry!" It was like her stomach got wind of their conversation and growled that moment. She sighed.

Rose breathed out a prayer of thanks when she saw her ride still parked outside waiting for her without a care in the world. He wasn't looking at her but rather at his phone.

He was leaning against his car with his head tilted, scrolling through something on his phone. It was safe to say that he was completely oblivious to her gawking.

Rose exhaled, he could easily be on the cover of some magazine. She stared for what seemed like hours until he raised his head feeling eyes on him. Her insides did a flip when his eyes met hers.

His mouth seemed to be moving as he moved closer. But she wasn't paying attention. His brow was furrowed, concern etched on his features.

"Are you feeling okay, you look hot."
Michael placed a hand on her forehead. And at that, her cheeks and ears went aflame.

I-I look hot?

She knew what he meant but her brain couldn't help interpreting it another way.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Totally cool. I'm as cool as a cucumber." She rambled on. The corner of his lips tilted up in a smile and she had to remind herself to breathe.

"Come on." Michael took her hand in his.

"We'll be late for class." And she allowed him lead her to his car. It was a black Audi. Mike sure had good taste.

The car ride wasn't long and they got there just in time before the bell rang.

Talk about a punctual first day.

They walked together to class as the hallway became thinner with students. They stopped by the door to their class narrowly missing the mass of students that had begun filing in.

"Thanks for the ride and thanks for walking me to class." Michael raised an eyebrow, smiling.

"You do know I have the same classes as you right?" He teased.

Her eyes widened. That was true. He shook his head.

"Rose, what am I going to do with you?" Rose blushed, looking down at something interesting on her shoes.

It surprised him sometimes, how shy she could be. It was one of the things that intrigued him about her.

"Hey," Michael said softly, nudging her chin up.

"Save some cuteness for the rest of us." Her ears reddened at the complement and she was about to come up with something witty when a voice spoke.

"Well, well, well. Nice to see you again baby doll." It was as if a switch was flipped and her smile completely vanished.

"What do you want Joe?" It was Michael that responded. He placed himself between him and Rose.

Michael hadn't forgotten what he'd done the last school year, what he made her go through. He wasn't allowing any of it, not this time around.

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