Don't leave.

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It's been a week since prom and college was only a few weeks away. Everyone knew the school they were going to and were making the last needed preparations.

That wasn't what was on Rose's mind now though because that day Michael dropped a huge bomb on her. He was moving back to Seattle for Uni.

Rose leaned closer to Michael on the hammock and sighed. He pulled her close and savored the moment with her.

He and his Dad had moved to New York per his request and his dad had only agreed on the condition that he'd move back to Seattle for Uni. He'd accepted.

She knew and understood that they'd all come because of her in the first place. One way or the other they'd all convinced their parents to come and now they were all going back. The twins were going back to Paris to stay with their mom while their father was deployed. And Chloe was returning to Oxford for College.

Only Asher stayed. He chose to stay in his current home in New York.

He said they needed at least one of them to stay.

She felt sad for the first time in a long time and there was much shedding of tears. Even the manly twins shed a tear or two.

Rose stared at the beautiful garden in front of the house, a faraway look in her eyes as she wondered how life would be without her friends.

The book was officially done and would be published in a few weeks. She guessed everything worked out well because she felt stronger than ever. She wasn't the girl she used to be. She was tougher now and knew what laid ahead and was ready for it.

They all had to be strong no matter where they were or there wouldn't be any chance left.

She sighed as Michael held her closer.

"This sucks," Rose muttered.

"I know," Michael replied.

"When is Chloe leaving?" She asked.

"In two days." Her heart stuttered.

"And the twins?" She asked again.

"A week from now."

"And you?" She hesitated a little.

"I'll stay as long as I can Rose." He said sincerely as he looked gently at her. Out of the five of them, only Asher would stay and that at least gave her a bit of comfort.

"Is everyone still agreeing to meet tonight?"

"Yes." Rose couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

"I'll miss you, all of you." She sniffed. Tonight was the last night they would all spend together.

Michael wrapped a hand around her and she rested her head on his shoulder.

He hated that she was hurting but there was no other way.

Everyone had a role to play, and they all had to continue with their assigned works.

"We'll all come visit. I'm only a flight away." He tried to lighten the mood.

"What about Chloe and the twins? They're an entire continent away." Rose grumbled. He chuckled.

"You're right but they'll find a way." He wiped her tears.

"I'm not gone yet, and I miss you already." He said after a while. She raised her head to stare into his eyes.

"Now you know how I feel." He leaned his head against hers.

"I wish there was another way." She inhaled shaking her head.

"No, we all know we have jobs to do. We'll never be able to do them if we all stay here."

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