A purpose.

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Song: A million suns by hillsong united.

They all waited outside her wardroom. Michael stared at Rose through the glass hole in the middle of the door.

The surgery had been long and tedious. The case was so serious that the doctor had said she would have died had they been a minute late.

She suffered a broken nose, two broken ribs —one on either side—a broken arm and a broken leg. But that wasn't all.

One of the broken ribs had pierced her left lung and had been the most life threatening.

On getting to the hospital, breathing had become a near impossible task. Her heart got the worst out of it. Suddenly she couldn't pump enough blood and soon she was placed on life support. It was one complication after the other.

The doctors got her stable but they said it was a fifty-fifty chance.

He closed his eyes. They had been praying for hours, hoping for the best. He was certain she would be okay despite the odds.

He hadn't been able to save his mom from cancer and he wasn't even able to save Rose when she needed him the most. He felt like a failure.

He felt lost, like all of those times he'd come home late, way past midnight, drunk and out of it. He remembered the look of worry on his mother face haven waited all night for him to come home.

He hadn't cared what she'd thought then. It had been his life. He knew how much of a believer she was and he had hated it.

He had called her names he was now ashamed to say.

It was in the last few months when the doctors had confirmed that they would lose her, did he pay attention to her.

Michael regretted not having enough time with her and he had regretted the times he wasted drinking and partying instead.

But his soul would always thank her for the truth and light she left behind.

She was the reason he gave his life to Christ.

She died three years ago when he was about to celebrate his sixteenth birthday. Now he was eighteen and will soon be in his senior year.

He remembered Rose reading her Bible the other day.

When they got to Elm's street, he had placed the Bible in the guest room, where Rose had stayed that night. A place he knew would be safe.

He didn't know she'd read it. But he was happy she did.

Thirty minutes passed and a nurse came to tell them that they could see her.

They hurried into the room. Michael quickly came to her side.
She looked slightly better and the p.o.p were there to set things straight.

Rose was breathing softly through the oxygen mask, still asleep.

The cuts had been sewn in and patched. He swallowed uneasily at how many they were.

The guilt ate at him. He held her hand and leaned his forehead against it.

"You're going to be alright." He whispered. The guys settled in the sits around.

"She's going to be okay Mike. She's strong." Nathan cheered.

"I know she will be." Chloe added with a smile. Her eyes had reddened again but she kept the tears at bay. Asher was by the door.

He was like that. He cared but it was always hard for him to show it. His crystal brown eyes stared at the petite figure under the blankets.

"She didn't deserve what that guy did to her." He stated. It didn't show in his features that he was angry but you could tell in his voice.

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