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This definitely wasn't what she was expecting. Beer was everywhere, on the floor, on people's clothes. It was all she saw as bodies got lost to the rhythm of the beat.

"Well then." Rose said to herself as a guy jumped off the railing unto the chandelier which hung off the ceiling of the living room.

It was like a zoo in here.

She'd never been to a party before, and she was lost for words.

She scrunched up her nose as two teenagers drank away at a bottle of beer like it was water.

The girls led her to a section where they introduced a few of their friends.

She couldn't even get a word in as they talked about themselves.

Rose stayed like that for a while no doubt waiting for the party to end. Although she had no intention of going home that night, she'd rather spend it in the cold outside than go back tonight.

She sighed, she needed a break.

"Excuse me." She mumbled. She didn't know if they heard or not. Trying to avoid as many hypnotized bodies as she could, she made her way to the kitchen.

She opened the door and thankfully no one was there. She sighed.

"Thank God." She exclaimed.

She took a glass of water to drink, sitting down on the stool by the island. She massaged the slight headache she was feeling, it was as if there was an on going construction in her skull, and she even hadn't had a drink yet.

The music was way too loud, you could barely hear what anyone was saying. She stood up from her position on the stool and closed the door. The music had gotten way too loud for her taste.

"Hey there hot stuff." A voice suddenly said. She turned around startled to see a guy standing where she'd been not two seconds ago. Then she realized that there was another door leading to the backyard.

"What's up." Rose replied casually, trying to hide how startled she was.

"Wait, aren't you the girl Joe's been messing around with lately?" He said. He had a bottle of beer in hand and it was almost empty. She frowned.

The nerve of this guy.

"I don't know what you're-" She was shortly interrupted.

"Hey baby doll." A deep voice interjected. She froze.

She heard the door she'd just closed open. She had her back to the door and she felt the hairs on her arms stand. She closed her eyes briefly.

Please don't let it be him, please don't let it be him.

How could he be at the same party?!

She'd overheard him talking about a party the day before, right before he crashed into her, but she hadn't known it'd be this one. She said nothing as he moved deeper into the kitchen, getting closer to her.

She was trapped alone in a kitchen with two guys. One she knew was capable of anything.

Her heart began thudding wildly in her chest.

"Do you mind buddy, I'd like to have some alone time with my girl." Rose heard Joe say.

The guy lifted his two hands up, one wrapped around the bottle of beer.

"No problem man." The guy replied.

The guy winked at Rose's shaken up form before moving out to the buzzling crowd just outside the kitchen—leaving her alone with him.

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