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It's been a month and a half since everything happened. Today was the last day of school. It was summer break and coincidentally the day she would be released from the hospital.

Words could not describe how good it felt to be out of the hospital.

Rose stared out the car window and saw a McDonald's. Her stomach grumbled and she blushed in embarrassment when her mum raised an eyebrow at her.

It's really been a while.

"Would you like to grab a bite to eat?" Her mother asked, shocking her out of the blue.

She studied the woman she had an uncanny resemblance to.

Was she for real?

Then she saw, albeit briefly the woman her mother was before her father died.

Her momma.

"Yes, yes I would like that very much."
Rose smiled and her mom returned it lovingly.

The woman before her wasn't the woman who had thrown herself into her work and ignored her, she was someone who had left the management temporarily to the senior partners, so she could be with her daughter these few weeks.

She'd apologized over and over with tears in her eyes each time more heart felt than the last.

And they'd both cried each time she mentioned her dad's passing.

And Marcus, she'd made sure he was locked away for good.

Everything was wonderful. Her mum pulled into the driveway and parked.

But about what Mike had said, was she really that special?

Her bible layed opened on her lap.

If Michael had been appointed by the Holy Spirit as her guide, what exactly was he guiding her towards? She wondered.

Rose trailed a finger over a verse. One bookmark was gumed to the edge. The oval shaped paper bookmark was nice and pink and had LOVE written on it.

"Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, neither has it been put into the heart of man what God has in store for those that love Him and are called for His purpose." She read out.

Love? Did she love God?

Rose thought about it. A smile broke out on her face. Yes, Yes she did, very much in fact. What other way could she describe this yearning?

"Rose we're here." Her mum stated.

"Okay Mum." Her mum's eyebrow were raised at her goofy smile.

Rose just shook her head. She couldn't explain what she felt even if she tried. It was too beautiful.

Rose opened the door to the house, a feeling of deja vu hit her with a great intensity as she remembered what happened all those days ago.

She shivered. She turned the door knob entering the quiet house soundlessly followed by her mother.

Her gaze apprehensively flickered to the foot of the stairs and she involuntarily shivered again.

Horrible images of that day flashed across her mind and she clenched she jaw.

"Honey are you okay?" Her mum asked worried.

Rose turned to look at her mum's concern stricken face.

"I'll be alright." Her mother looked as if she didn't believe her but she let it go, especially when she smiled reassuringly back at her.

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