My New Book

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Hey guys! How are you all doing?^^
I have a new book I'm working on. I'd like it if you could check it out ;)
Thank you!

~You have to be careful or else the darkness might just breach your walls when you least expect it.
Needless to say, you have to stay fortified. The word of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous runneth to it and is safe~

A war is on. A war between the light and darkness. As an age long push and pull ensue, which side will give in, which side will surrender?

The dark is scary and yet enticing. It is easy to fall off a cliff when the voice on the other side is so alluring, so sweet.


It's been eight months since Luke died in a freak accident that inevitably changed Adriel's life forever.

College has started and Adriel doesn't know how she would manage without her brother.

Alex, his best friend suddenly just upped and left not being able to handle his death, the consequence being,  she'd had to handle it alone.

Relief came in the form of Jayden Crow, a goergeous senior who gave her everything she needed and wanted. He was a drug and she was soon getting addicted, but wasn't that how the darkness worked?

Be the sweetest thing you've ever tasted until it becomes poison in your gut.

Everything was normal until he came and turned it upside down and she let him till he became her ruin. He was the darkness and she was supposed to be the light.

Truths are told, secrets are revealed, faith is renewed, old love is rekindled, wounds are healed and strength is found, but at what cost?

AUTHORS NOTE: So this is my second book FORTIFIED. It's a book close to my heart and I'd love it, if you gave it a read. You can check my profile and add the book to your library.

Thank you guys so much for the love you've shown In The Last Days. You guys are honestly the best for giving this book a chance. It wouldn't have been a success without you.❤❤❤

And if you love In The Last Days,  you'll definitely love this one. I guarantee it👌

'FORTIFIED' talks about the subtle effect of the darkness and what happens when you let your guard down.

~The darkness is like a subtle knife always looking for a moment to strike. Allow it and it'll pierce deep into you leaving a stain that spread until eventually it consumes you.~

I'm so excited for this book. If feels so good to be writing again. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. As you read it, may you stay blessed. The first chapter is out and updates will be twice a week. Don't forget to vote if you liked it and comment your thoughts! Bye lovelies and don't forget, Jesus loves you with everything that He has and He only wants your love in return.

Don't resist Him, don't reject him. Hurry, there isn't much time left.

See you guys in the next book!😃

Taiwolilly, out!😘

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