Knowing 2.

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While sitted on the tree, Michael had a lot of time to think. He'd been in His presence for hours now, talking, praying.

All he could feel was the Holy Spirit around him so powerful, so tangible.

Before he knew it, night came but he didn't want to leave, not yet.

Nature around him was so beautiful and he found he was able to connect with God much easier.

His visions and flashes have become more urgent as it was so close. If he was going to tell her everything, he needed to tell her soon.

"The trip was a success." Michael told the wind.

"She agreed to come, just like you said she would." He waited for a reply.

He felt the breeze sofly touch the right side of his face instead.

He smiled, but then he remembered  her getting upset when Joe and Brenda arrived.

Michael sighed, closing his eyes.

"I just wish they'd leave her alone already." He whispered.

"Hey Mike." He recognized the voice right away. Knowing who it was, he answered.

"Ash, what's up."

"Did you know she's been looking for you?" Asher asked in a stoic tone. That was Asher for you; always straight to the point.

Michael glanced down from the top of the tree. He already knew who Asher was talking about.

"Yeah, I do." Asher walked towards the tree and leaned against it, his hands in his pockets.

"Well, she's on her way here now. Won't be long before she finds you." He told him.

Michael leaned against the bark of the tree, with one knee propped up.

"I know." He said.

Asher was silent for a while before he spoke again.

"We had a chat today, she's improved really well. We talked about a chapter of the Bible she'd read prior." Asher recollected.

He raised his head and looked Michael in the eye.

"She already has the Holy Spirit, could sense Him, but she still has a lot to learn." Asher had the gift of discernment and could sense when there were entities around, both good and bad.

Michael thought over what he'd said. They'd grown up in Seattle together. Both had had a rough past but Jesus built them up together. They both grew stronger through their pain.

Asher had gone through some things, some even worse than him and Michael had nothing but respect for him.

"And that is why it needs to happen, now. " Asher urged.

Mike nodded. He knew. He thought about how she'd take it though.

Would she freak out?

Asher observed him and said,

"You don't want to do it." Mike shook his head.

"Of course I do, it's alright but what if she freaks out?"

They both heard a rustle behind them.

"Guess she's here then. I'll see you." And with that, Asher left.

Mike turned his gaze back to the stars and exhaled.

"Have your way Lord and show her what you showed me."

In The Last Days Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon