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...Three years later...

Rose came home from the orphanage. It was one she'd established a few years ago. She loved children and wanted the best for them, especially those that could not fend for themselves. She smiled to herself when she remembered the beautiful curious smiles on their faces when she'd introduced them to Jesus. She chuckled, they'd been so cute.

"Where is he now?"

"Well he's with God in heaven but he's always in here and always there when you need Him." She said placing a hand on his heart.

"Did He really die for me?" A shy little girl in front asked. She seemed very compassionate as her eyes filled quickly with tears. Rose smiled and wiped her tears away.

"He did but he's alive now so you don't have to cry dear." The girl smiled, nodding.

Another smile creeped up Rose's face as she opened the door to her house.

Three years had passed since the dreadful news and her heart still aches when she thought of him, but it was getting easier.

She went up the stairs and entered her room. She prayed, showered, then got comfortable in her PJs.

She sat by her computer and thought about the past years. The disasters had only increased but she found that she was always safe wherever it is she went.

Even during the disease outbreak, she'd been one of the few that had been immune. She remembered the Holy Spirit telling her one time that there was healing in her blood.

She rubbed her hands together before typing out what the Lord had just recently informed her, something he'd asked to be communicated to everyone else.

She sent one to each one of her friends. She sent to Chloe, Asher and the twins.

She sent it to the group all six of them had belonged to.

It was a calling. The Lord wanted them together. They all needed to come back, but He hadn't told her why yet but she had a hunch and she prayed they were all ready.

Then she saw Michael's name on the group's contact list.


Her eyes prickled with tears as she felt that painful lurch in her chest again. She sighed as she looked away. She needed to forget him. Mike was gone and he wasn't coming back.

She forwarded the address to the group and took a quick bathroom break and by the time she was done, everyone had replied and had agreed to come before the weekend.

She saw the message she'd sent and she was foolish enough to wish for a reply from Michael but nothing changed. Rose sighed shaking her head. She turned the computer off and went to bed. The pillow once again served as cushion for her tears that night.


July 10

Entry 503

'My name is Rose Turner and it's the end of the world. Bombs are going off everywhere.

Australia has fallen and America isn't safe anymore, no where is. A lot has happened in eleven years. Eleven years since I knew Christ and eleven years since it all began.
Many didn't want to believe at first that it had to do with Jesus' coming, but with each sign it wasn't long before they did.
Everyone knew the end was here but no one was prepared for what came next. My friends think we still have a couple of months. But I think, all we have left are a few more days...'

Her phone rang and she dropped the pen, answering it.

"Hey Ash."

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