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She woke up with a start with the pain of yesterday still fresh. But she could feel it slowly but surely ebbing away.

She was laid back on the silky bed, the rays of the early morning sun went by barely noticed by her.

If it was Joe and Brenda's want to further harm her, then so be it, but she was through letting it bother her.

Her mind replayed the whole thing and she exhaled.

She wouldn't worry. He was a bully and she needn't give him anymore power over her.

She looked around her and she felt. . .happy. Yes, happy is the word.

The room was nature enclosed in four wooden walls. The strong woods stood tall in all their architectural glory.

Her room was breathtakenly beautiful. It had been the last room left unoccupied but it easily could have been the most beautiful.

Lights glowed all around her, little tiny balls on the walls and over her bed. It was enchanting.

It felt like she was outdoor rather than indoor. A part of the front wall, the one facing the back of the house, was rectangularly glass made. She could literarily experience nature right in her room.

The room even had its own fire place and beside it some logs were neatly stacked.

When she and Chloe had finished up last night with the food she had gone straight to her room. She barely ate anything telling them she wasn't hungry but they wouldn't have any of it.

She chuckled at the memory. Elnathan had immediately blocked her way and an eyebrow raised Chloe had placed the steaming hot delicacy in front of her.

They made her eat until she couldn't take another bite.

Rose looked through the ceiling to floor glass window and glanced down-she was on the second floor.

Someone was in the back yard and she quickly identified the person as Asher.

He seemed to be making a call and judging by the frown on his face it wasn't a good one.

She frowned as well, she wished there was something she could do. Not long after he disappeared back inside but not before locking eyes with her briefly.

She felt embarrassed she was caught staring so she quickly looked away.
By the time she glanced back he was gone .

Rose sighed getting out of bed to get ready for the day.

Downstairs food was already cooking. The twins were out swimming in the lake. She smiled at that. They could be heard laughing, loudly might she add.

"Boys." Rose said shaking her head.

"Hey you're up."

Startled she turned to find Chloe coming from the living room, an apron around her.

Chloe smiled.

"Hi, hope you slept well?" Rose asked.

"Why yes I did but it was a particularly cold night." Chloe replied. Rose nodded in agreement. She helped around for a while before asking.

"Have you seen Mike today?" Rose asked.

There were a lot of things she still needed to talk to him about. Chloe smiled, giving her a knowing look.

"Yeah, he went out. Said there was some place he needed to be." Rose's face fell slightly.

"Oh, okay." She replied. They were making pies for desert.

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