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"Mummm!" Nathan whined as his mother ruffled his gold-blonde hair for the tenth time. We now know where Nathan got his bubbly nature from.

"I can't help myself. My babies are all grown up." The french woman teared up wailing into her kitchen apron.

Elnathan came down the stairs clad in an identical suit to that of his twin brother- much to his displeasure.

He had barely reached the floor when his mother drew him in for an equally fierce hug.

"Mother we're going to be late." She shook her head not wanting to let go but secretly Elnathan loved his mother overly affectionate ways.

"Ah, prom, a magical night to share with the ones we love."


"Okay, okay, I'm done now." She closed her eyes calming herself down but the moment she opened her eyes and saw her sons, she burst into tears again.

"Mama! Not again! We're going to be late." They both whined.

"Okay. But before you go, let's get a picture of you, yes?" The french woman pleaded. The twins groaned.

"Okay, but just one." Their mother squealed.

"George get over here!" Nathan cringed. Mrs. Price's high pitched voice could make anyone go deaf. 

They heard a grunt from the living room.

"George Williams Price, your babies need you to take a photo of them. You get your derriere here right this moment." She tsked. The huge man appeared from the living room.

The twins immediately stood at attention. You could very well tell that they got their sturdy build from their father.

Their mother only rolled her eyes.

"We don't need any of your training tonight or whatever work you give my poor babies to do. Tonight is their night and it will be perfect." She gave her husband a stern look. Her husband only smiled.

"Anything for you mon amour." He grabbed her by the waist and kissed her soundly.

"Ew, get a room, you guys," Nathan whined.

"What was that Nate?" Their father raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing sir."

"I didn't hear you."

"Nothing sir!" He squeaked. Their mother chuckled. Their father was the former General Commander of the US army and he never ceased to grill them every morning.

He looked at his sons and smiled, a proud look on his face.

"At ease boys." The twins exchanged subtle smiles. They took a couple of photos but their mother insisted on taking more. Finally, after ten minutes of kisses and photos and hugs, she let them go.

"Bye mon cherries, mama loves you. And oh, don't get any girl pregnant!" They both cringed as they got into their car and sped off.


Asher stood at the top of the grand stairs overlooking the dining room. He saw his mother and his sister, smiling and laughing as they ate- something he thought would never again be possible.

He felt something move in his chest. It was happiness. Without knowing it a smile had made its way to his lips. He looked at his mum then at Lara.

She'd insisted on coming home to see their mother the minute he told her about the visit. There'd been a lot of crying and yelling but she hadn't left since.

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