Breaking point.

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*Warning- there is use of strong language in this chapter. *Readers discretion is advised*


Only soft hiccups could be heard as he had his arms around her in comfort.
She took the meeting with his friends well. Better than he'd expected. And he was proud of that.

Michael stared at his phone on the hospital bed. It was ringing.

Rose shifted from his embrace and sat up on hearing the ring.

Michael sighed internally when he saw the caller ID.

"Who is it?" Rose asked softly, noticing his unease. She sniffed, wiping the remainder of her tears away.

"It's my father. He wants me home for an errand." He picked the call and got up to answer outside.

Apparently she fainted in the early hours of the morning and having no doctor or nurse yet at the newly constructed school clinic, the school had to take her to the hospital.

It was now around 3:00 in the afternoon. School would have been over awhile. He should have been home by now, but he'd stayed with her.

Rose gaze dropped to her hands. She'd hate it if he got in trouble because of her.

Michael entered the room, phone in hand looking slightly peeved.

"Are you in trouble?" She asked gently.

"What? No. But he needs me to get some supplies for him in the city. It might take awhile."

"Oh, that's good." She said relieved that he wasn't in trouble, much less because of her.

Michael looked at her. She still looked tired.

He didn't want to leave her.

She noticed.

"Don't worry Mike. I'll be fine. Besides mum's coming to pick me up anytime now."

She left out the part where although her mum worked at night and should be available to come pick her up that afternoon, something came up at work about someone siphoning the company's money and she had had to go back and is probably still busy.

He sighed.

He wanted to wait till her mum came, but his father had been really clear when he'd told him he didn't want him late.

"Will you be okay?" He asked her.

Rose smiled, then nodded. He couldn't help but return her smile with one of his.

"I'll try not to take too long, so I can come visit you at home." Michael said as he headed to the door.

"Okay." She nodded.

"Bye Michael."

"Bye Rose." But as he was about leaving the room, he paused.

He felt something pull him back, it was an uneasy feeling telling him not to leave her but he looked back and saw her smile, so he shrugged it off.

She'll be fine.

He took one last look at her smiling slightly then he left.

Rose smiled to herself before taking her phone in hand and dialling her mum.

"Hello?" The smooth soft voice of her mother came through.

"Um, mum it's me, can you please come pick me up? I'm at the hospital."

"Yes the principal called. Are you okay? " Her mum's voice sounded a little strained. She didn't know if it was from stress or from concern.

"I'm fine." Rose yawned. She was feeling a little sleepy.

In The Last Days जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें