Signs of the times.

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Rose was barely able to pray for thirty minutes straight. She'll get there, she cheered herself up.

She opened her Bible, it seemed like forever since she'd read it even though she read it that morning. She loved the word of God.

It opened her eyes to different things she'd been for so long ignorant of.

Like how the Holy Spirit is very essential in any Christian's life, or how God's protection is always over all those that fear Him.

She opened the pink Bible and read it. It was again in the book of Daniel, chapter 11.

Conflicts of nations and heavenly powers.

She read about the king of the north and the king of the south, the back and forth attacks. She realised that they are both giants on the earth, extremely resourced in artillery.

She noticed that a time came when the king of the south fell, not being able to withstand the forces of the attacks of the king of the north.

Then the king of the north took over the land, before he became overthrown by his own commander.

A better king ruled in his stead but not for very long.

Rose flipped the page over and continued reading. She was beginning to understand what it all meant and how it applied to the present world.

She knew which country the glorious land was and what was happening in the news. And she knew the two giants at war with each other at the moment.

She knew that it wouldn't be long before the seven years countdown began.

Rose shivered involuntarily. If war was still going on around her, more was still yet to come.

The next ruler was cunning, a deceiver, full of flattery and he obtained the country by intrigue.

He would once again stir up his power against the king of the south who would now prevail against him.

The king of the north would leave the land for his own country but he would again return with his mind set against the holy convenant, she read.

It was talking about Israel, then this time causing the most damage. He would take away the daily sacrifice and shall set up the abomination that maketh desolate.

Rose paused on verses 31, placing one of the stickers bookmarks there.

She remembered a part of Matthew that she'd read the other day. Chapter 24 to be precise. She quickly opened to the page.

"Tell us, when will this be, when will be the sign of your coming and the end of the age?" Jesus answered them,

"Beware that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name saying I am the Messiah, and they will lead many astray. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that you are not alarmed. . ."

She remembered when the war started a few years ago, no one ever believed it would come this far, they still can't.

While she was yet a believer, she thought nothing of it, now she
knew that everything hapening had been foretold. She read on.

"...for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be farmine and earthquakes in various places."

Then she read verses 15.

". . .so when you see the desolating sacrilage standing in the holy place, as was spoken by the prophet Daniels, then those in Judea must flee to the mountains. . ."

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