The Storm

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After that, time passed by quickly. There were events here and there. More demon sightings and more confrontations.

Rose's book was nearly finished and homecoming was around the corner.

It was June and graduation was almost here, only a few weeks away. She closed the book and looked out the window.

It was a beautiful Saturday morning. The birds are chirping happily by the trees just outside the window. She smiled at that. Then she thought of Aaron and the smile dropped.

She thought of him often, where he was and how he was. She never saw him again after that day, he didn't come to school the next day or the day after that.

He left school altogether. And it was her fault, she chased him away.

But what hope was there to save him now? She thought about his sister Juliet.

She was jovial and so full of life, the opposite of her brother. She hadn't even seen her in school either.

Rose sighed deeply. She heard the door bell downstairs and heard her Mum's voice in the shower asking her to get it.

"Yes Mum!" She walked down the stairs and opened the door. She lost her breath for a moment when she saw him.

He smiled and her stomach did a flip. Dang hormones.

"Mike, what are you doing here?" Michael raised an eyebrow looking a little bit confused.

"Um, I kinda asked you if you wanted to go with us to the carnival. You said yes?" He asked with the question.

What? Oh! How could she have forgotten?!

Rose looked down at her PJs and when she look back at him, he was chuckling. She let him in.

"I'm so sorry. I'll go get ready." She said blushing.

"It's ok. Take your time." Michael said shrugging with a smile. She ran up to the stairs and got ready faster than the speed of light.

"All done!" She said walking back down the stairs. It took her a total of ten minute. She straightened the gown she was wearing, nervous for some reason.

"We can go now, sorry I took so long." She said still straightening her gown. Rose got to the foot of the stairs.

Michael didn't respond and she glanced up at him wondering why.

Michael's eyes had those look in them again. A look that always left her breathless whenever she saw.

Her breath got caught in her throat as she looked away.

"Mike?" She said shyly tugging at the dress.

Didn't he like it? Why was he looking at her like that? It's made her heart thud wildly against her ribs.

"Um, mum's upstairs. She told me to say hi." She said in a small voice as she saw him walk towards her.

And at that time her shoes became more fascinating and she glanced down.

Rose saw his sneakers in her vision. He sure loved Nikes a lot.

"Rose, would you please look at me?" She heard his cool voice brush the side of her face.

He was close. Slowly she did and was met with a playful smile and she ducked her head back against his chest and he chuckled.

"Rose you look beautiful. You stunned me is all." He said, his eyes still having that dazed look in them.

Her cheeks reddened. She was sure he could feel it. He raised her chin up and stared into her eyes.

"You're perfect." And he smiled, if he kept doing these things to her heart, she wouldn't be able to stop herself from admitting a few things.

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