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*Warning- there is use of strong language in this chapter. Readers discretion is advised*


Another chapter is up people! Enjoy. 😄


Michael raised a hand to her cheek and wiped the flour away, but he didn't move away and neither did she. She looked up at him and saw how tenderly he was looking at her.

Her heart hammered in her chest at his close proximity. She saw everything there in his eyes, all open for her to see.

She was sure he saw hers as well.

He closed his eyes and took a step back.

"I got it." He said referring to the spot. She exhaled shakily, her breathing just returning back to normal, now that he wasn't so close to her.

Without a word she turned around and left the kitchen with words that were just at the tip of her tongue, dying to be said.

The night passed fast and soon everyone was asleep. She'd called her mum and had told her about the sleepover with her friends. She wasn't so hesitant since it was literally next door.

She'd taken the guest room, the one she'd used that night after the party, when she'd ran away. Rose rolled to her side, a smile on her face as she thought about the boy with the blue eyes.


She blushed.

He'd been so kind, so caring almost a stranger, someone she'd barely known. Someone who owed her nothing and yet gave her everything she needed at the time.

She wrapped her arms around herself on the bed. She was wearing her scooby-doo pjs, the one he always teased her about.

Rose sighed. Her heart fluttered every time he smiled and his eyes, they just took her breathe away. She didn't know why she was feeling this way all of a sudden.

He was very handsome but what she felt for him wasn't even really about how he looked, it was the things, the unexplainable things she felt when she was with him, the way her heart would tug when he smiled at her or when he looked at her in that way.

His kindness, there was just this aura around him that drew you in. Her heart was drawn to him.

Her heart thudded beyond control when she realized something. She liked him, she liked him a lot. He made her feel things, things she'd never felt before.

Sure she'd liked some people in the past but this wasn't some crush that could magically go away. This was different.

I'm not perfect, but you are Rose, to me.

She replayed over and over. The words were hard to forget.

Her stomach tingled every time she thought about it. But this was how she felt, but how does God feel about it?

At that important thought she closed her eyes. She knew God didn't want her distracted, but was that what Michael was, a distraction?

She exhaled opening her eyes.

"What do you think? What should I do?" She needed answers the right ones. She opened her Bible and saw a verse. Psalm 119:9

"How can young people keep their way pure? By guarding it according to your word." Rose read out. She smiled.


"Show me your word Lord." She whispered. She opened another place. She read Romans 12:1,

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