I love you but I don't trust you anymore!?

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"Prince, where are you?" I yelled out fuming.

 I jumped out of the bed, got dressed and put on my black six-inch pumps. Not certain if that was the best thing to do, but I needed answers. Besides it was already morning surely Prince had to be  in the studio and not at some clandestine Party. 

Perhaps crazy Jill is just playing a mind game with me.

Either way, I did not care. I might be young, but I am not that naive, and this game was getting out of hand.

I briskly walked out the room door ready to take my chance to see what is behind that door. I imagined all kinds of things, lingerie, crazy thoughts. Different types of women with Prince. 

I say a prayer as I walk down the hallway unsure of what lies behind door number 7. Worried, I prepare myself that if this is what it is, then I will be on the next flight out of the Park! 

As I walk down the hallway, I noticed a  female staffer,  I stop her and ask:

"Hi, I am looking for Prince have you seen him?" She gave me an inquisitive look as though internally asking:  "why do you want to know?"

 That is when it hit me, she is not allowed to talk to me. I turn to  another staffer tugging on his shirt, nothing, just the same quiet response.

 They have been instructed not to speak to me or they could lose their jobs.

 Prince valued his privacy and did not like anyone talking to the lady in his life. 

So I kept on walking. I said to myself:

 "Whatever you see in that room, play it cool. You are an adult, and you are you!".

"Be true to yourself, go home and raise your baby," I heard a voice within me say.

My baby, I had forgotten about the baby in me. I know what you are thinking, how could I? 

Well, what do you expect, I have a lot on my mind.

I walked briskly towards the soundstage; staffers looked at me quizzically. But no one says a word. I finally made my way to door number 7. With my heart beating fast, I placed my hand on the knob, that is when a male hand came over mine.

 Startled, I looked up to see who it was. It was Prince's sound engineer, Remi!

"Athena, great to see you again." Remi began.

 I interjected:

"Hi, Remi, nice to see you too, excuse me while I go into this.."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Athena, besides no one is in there but the  clean up crew ."

"Save it Remi," I respond with my eyebrow raised. I did not believe him.

" I know what is going on back there, Prince, his Muses, and his proteges are doing something nasty. I must go in!" I exclaimed pushing on the door,  turning the knob but it would not bulge. 

I kept on trying to no avail. Dejected, I lowered my face.

 Remi placed his arm around my shoulder and said:

"There is nothing to see there. Say Listen, do you want to talk. Have you had breakfast?"

"No, not yet, where is Prince, is he in there?" I asked still pointing at the door.

"In there?" Remi asked pointing at the door. "Good heavens no. Prince is at the studio in a private meeting. How about we take a walk. The cafeteria has some great food." He said smiling. 

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