Prince: Chaos and disorder with the Cinnamon Girl

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"Well well well look what we have here! Congratulations are most certainly in order if I may say so."

"How did you get in here? And why are you here?"

" I am here Because you owe me Prince, sorry I mean artist?"

"You owe us two more albums plus now my dear," he said looking my way. "you know your Prince here asked my daughter to abort a previous pregnancy?"

Prince interjects:

"I did no such thing! Security?"He growled.

"What surely you are not going to call security on me and who might that be Prince? It cannot possibly be good old Chuck because I hired him, you must take me for a fool!"
Jill began walking around my bedside making me cringe some more.

"How about I ensure you are comfortable, here this might interest you!" she exclaimed tossing a magazine on top my bed, I picked it up, that's when I read the shocking headlines.

"JC from the local paper asks "has Prince gone mad? Because it sure looks like it."

I flipped through the magazine to see what they're talking about, and there it was in big bold letters:

Prince takes money from billionaire Jason b to wed his mistress a one time maid at the Waldorf Astoria, whom he met at a clandestine rendezvous which is against hotel policy then again, we are talking about Prince here, a man who has so many women. Looks like he might be time for p control!

We wonder how he can keep up; Jason B filed a case against the hotel claiming his daughter lost some jewelry; could it possibly be Alex who now goes as Athena allegedly stole it?"

Prince upset reacts:

"I will sue this magazine for defamation, Athena never took anything from you Jill you all leave right now! Get out!"

"Oh I will leave, but not when you say so!"

Prince was about to respond when the nurse walked in holding on to our baby boy.

I shed tears as she delicately placed him in my hands, Prince turned his attention to his son.

"Amazing my son, my one and only."

The nurse smiled "I will be back in a few minutes when it is time for him to eat."

She then walked out of the room.

"This lawsuit is only the beginning Prince! Come on Jill,"

"Just like the child he made me abort, but I will not do it twice. Oh, I promise once was enough!"

"Come on Jill lets go!"

JillB refused to move; her dad had to drag her out once more.

As they walked out, in comes Judith Sommers, one of Prince's other Proteges and an alleged girlfriend of Michaels.

She gives Prince a hug and smiles:

"Oh Prince, it is great to see you again,"

"Is Michael here?"

"No you know how it is babysitting his kids, I heard he has another on the way. That's Michael." She smirks mischievously at Prince, then turns to me, hands outstretched.

"I don't think we have met, but I am Judith Sommers; being away on tour then I heard Boss here got a baby on the way, Is that him? Oh, he is precious; may I touch him?" I wanted to say no, can we get some bloody Privacy around here? But she insisted:

"Oh come on, washed my hands." She said giggling out loud, showing her fingers as proof that she washed them. I found it irritating!

I held on even tighter to my baby boy. Prince noticed, he turned to Judith.

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