Chapter 2

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* Clay's pov*

I groan as I hear my dad entering the house after his late night at the pub. It was normal for him, every night he was down with his gang at the pub, they called themselves the 'Wild Devils'. Every night he would stumble in the door at around three in the morning drunk off his face, usually I ignore the loud movement around the house but tonight I was overly pissed off.

"You are so pathetic" I growl staring at my asshole of a father.

"Me pathetic? What have you been doing all night? Crying like a pussy over your mother! She's a fucking bitch who cares!"

I growled as I stormed over to him lifting my fist to punch him but he grabbed my fist and twisted it backwards. Grabbing his other hand he punches me square in the face, sending me to the floor.

"Do it again and you'll never get into the gang" he growled towering over me.

My fists were clenched as I watch my fucked up father walk off. When I hear his door close I get off the floor and walk to my room. I grab the photo frame which had a photo of my mother and myself when I was a child. More like when I was innocent and actually had a heart. It had been ten years today since she left us and my life became total shit.

I always ask the same few questions to myself. Why didn't she take me with her? Would I be like this if she was still here? Would my father be different if she was here?

I groan as I flop back onto my very messy bed and fall asleep with dried blood on my face.

Waking up with the sun shining in my face wasn't my favourite way to wake up, I knew if the sun was high enough to hit my face than it was probably around lunch time. I groan as I put a shirt on and open my bedroom door, walking down to the huge kitchen. Yeah I said huge, the whole bloody house was huge and the only reason we had so much money was from the money my father got from all the drugs he sold.

"Clay we are going out tomorrow night" my father said as he slipped his black leather jacket on, covering up most of his tattoos.

"We? I'm not going anywhere with you" I growled making myself some food.

"It's for the gang, we have a new member." My father stayed calm, he was seriously over my shit but I was over his shit too.

"When I'm a fucking member than I'll help you out" I snapped grabbing my breakfast, well lunch now basically and about to walk off.

I have always wanted to be in the gang, I don't have many people I really care about here so I don't care to run off every weekend to ride with the group. I hate how he leaves me behind even though I have a bike, I can ride and I always hang out with them when they are at the pub.

"Fucking hell Clay! We need him to be our messenger but he has a daughter so I need you to pull your charms and make her fall for you so he will never leave! We need this guy" my dad mostly yelled at me.

"What do I get out of this?" I fold my arms sternly.

"You get in the gang" my father knew exactly how to make me do what he wants.

"Fine" I say and he smirks a little.

"We are going to theirs for dinner tomorrow night so be ready at six, don't forget to pack your charms" he said as he grabbed his keys and left the house, seconds later his bike was roaring to life and speeding down the road.

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