Chapter 44

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*Valery's pov*

I was so exhausted, today I just couldn't concentrate. I was just happy it was Friday and I could stop all these thoughts so I could go back to concentrating on Monday. I had Clay and the words "you can't force love Valery" running through my head. As his voice repeats the sentence in my head I start to realise maybe he's right but he's the reason I can't love anyone. I know I can't blame him because it's my fault that I love and fell for Clay.

I also had Nate in my head, wondering what I was going to do with him. I know he loves me and I want to love him. Why couldn't I fall in love with Nate instead of Clay? Nate is perfect, he is just the perfect boyfriend. I really don't want to end up leading Nate on but I know I still like Nate and I'm not going to give up just because Clay appeared.

I was thankful to have this time alone walking back to my dorm room because I needed to pull my head in straight.

As I unlock and open my door I jump back a little when I notice a body on my couch. I slip my shoes off and turn away to close the door, closing my eyes to calm myself down for this chat I know I was about to have.

"Nate." I say as I turn back around, putting my bag on the table and then joining Nate on the couch.

"I'm so sorry valery for my behaviour the other day. I'm really sorry, he just makes me so angry! He did this to you and I hate him for it!" He rushes out trying to stay calm by standing up and pacing back and forth in front of me.

Why is everyone constantly saying sorry to me?

"I've never seen you like that before, honestly it scared me." I say and he stops and looks at me.

"You were scared of me? Clay is always angry like that, are you ever afraid of him?" He says and I look away from his intense stare.

"No because that's just who Clay is. I never expected that to come out of you." I say and he sighs running his hands through his hair, pulling onto the ends.

"I don't want you to be afraid of me. I just want you to love me. I'm so sorry val." he says as he sits awfully close to me and yanks my hands into his.

"It's okay Nate, I know Clay just made you mad." I say rubbing my thumbs over his hands.

"Im so sorry val" he says as he slowly leans in and kisses me. I don't feel like I usually do when I kiss him, I don't feel that fling in my stomach or the feeling that I never want to stop kissing him. I just feel that I want him to stop. He finally moves away but stay's close to me and looks right into my eyes.

"So remember when you met my parents and at dinner they invited us to go on the boat for the weekend with them?" He says and I nod. Please don't be this weekend.

"Well it's this weekend. Look if you don't want to go I totally understand." He says and I sigh leaning away from him.

"I-i just totally forgot and I had just received an assignment that's due on Tuesday. I really need the weekend to do it. I could of loved to go but I just can't. You should still go and see your parents." I say and he looks away and shakes his head lightly.

"That's okay." He stops for a few seconds before standing up and I look up at him from the couch. "Well I have to meet them this afternoon at the boat so I better be off. See you when I get back." He says looking down at me not knowing what to do. He quickly leans down and pecks my lips before walking towards the door and leaving me in the lonely dorm.

I feel bad for lying to Nate, well technically I wasn't lying I actually did just receive an assignment but it wasn't due to next Friday and it was pretty easy. I just need to be away from Nate this weekend. I just need to be away from everyone this weekend.

Before I have the chance to actually enjoy having the dorm to myself the door opens and Sienna and Bella rush in laughing and chatting loudly.

"Val!" They both shout as they rush over to the couch and sit on both sides of me.

"What happened? We saw Nate leaving quite upset." Sienna says folding her legs on the couch. They were both staring intensely on either side of me.

"We were supposed to go on a weekend away with his parents on their boat but I told him I had an assignment and I couldn't. So he's gone without me." I say and they both gasp.

"Do you actually have an assignment?" Bella asks and I nod.

"But I don't need the weekend to do it." I say and they nod.

"So why did you say no then?" Sienna asks and I look down at the ground and shrug.

"I don't know, I just didn't want to be around him this weekend." I say and I could see them giving each other a worried glance on each side of me.

"And you just want to be with Clay all weekend." Sienna raises her eyebrow and I gasp snapping my head to the side to look at her.

"That's ridiculous" I say glaring at her slightly.

"You do too!" She gasps as if she didn't know if she was right or not but know she knew she was.

"Stop" I groan and they grow silent.

"Valery do you really want to do this again? We don't want him to hurt you again." Bella says and I roll my eyes.

"I'm not doing anything again! I'm not going near him ever again," I huff in annoyance even through it was hard to say that out loud. Would I never go near him again? At this moment they decide to let it go.

Great, awkward silence. I just want to be left alone. 

"Okay I have news!" Sienna smirks as we both look at her waiting for her to tell us what's the great news.

"What is it?" Bella says and Sienna's smile widens.

"Carson finally asked me on a date!" She smiles and Bella starts to squeal, reaching around me to pull Sienna's hands into hers.

"Finally! You guys are actually meant to happen!" Bella was smiling so widely.

Bella was right. We all know they were meant to be together. We were all just waiting for him to get the balls to ask her and now he finally has. Gosh thinking about those guys I haven't spoken to them in agers now.

"Val?" Sienna looks at me and my smile grows wide as I pull her into a hug.

"I'm so happy for you." I say and she chuckles a thanks in my ear.

"So now let's get ready!" Bella says jumping off the lounge and Sienna joins her.

"Ready for what?" I ask and they chuckle.

"We are going to the club with the boys. Let's go get ready come on" Bella says stretching her hand out for me to take.

"Ah I think I'm just going to stay in tonight." I say and they groan.

"Oh don't be so sad and lonely. It's a Friday night! Come on val!" Sienna forces my hand in hers and tries pulling me off the couch.

"Sorry guys but seriously I just want to stay in." I say and they sigh.

"Whatever sad sack but no eating all the ice cream!" Sienna smirks as the two of them walk off to get ready.

I grab my phone and look for a movie on Netflix that I am going to watch once they leave. An hour later they both yell they are ready.

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Bella asks me once more and I nod.

"Have fun." I smile as they rush to the door.

"You too!" They say as they shut the door behind them and once again I was alone in the lonely apartment.

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