Chapter 49

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*Clay's pov*

Once again Nate waited for me after both exiting Valerys dorm building to try to fight me. Once again he doesn't success, let's just say I totally beat his ass. I feel bad for him, the beautiful amazing girl up there will never love him the way she loves me.

After wiping the blood off my nose from Nates one pathetic punch, I jump on my bike and ride back to the hotel I am staying at while I'm here.

I wanted to go back up their to check on Valery but I knew when I crossed paths with Sienna that she would be fine but I still felt like I needed to see her. I'll go see her tomorrow I think.

When I open the door to the dark, lonely apartment I sigh and lazily chuck my things on the table and flop onto the couch. I go to grab the half empty beer left on the coffee table when I hear my phone beep. I pull it out of my pocket and read the message.

*Dale Michael- You have a week Clay. Bring the money or face the consequences.*

I chuck my phone on the couch away from me and through my head back, closing my eyes.

Fuck I totally forgot, this is a perfect example of
what Valery does to me, she makes me forgot the whole reason I'm here. Well I wouldn't say whole reason, she's the whole reason now.

I still had no idea how I was going to pay him and I wasn't going to ring my dad for his help. I need to do this myself. Prove to my dad that I can in fact fix my own mistakes.

My eyes are still closed, trying to come up with a plan on dealing with this Dale problem but instead I find myself falling in a long needed sleep.

The voices of two special women were the only things I could hear. They both were laughing, they were finally happy which made me happy. I wished continuous that I was the one who caused that happiness but a dark feeling caused me not to believe it. I was the cause of the opposite, sadness and disappointment.

After debating in my head if I should show my face or not, I decide to have a peek. If I just stretch my head around the corner, I can see them without them seeing me. I don't want to ruin their happiness.

I see my mother and Valery both sitting by the open fireplace, both with hot chocolates in their hands.

The room was oddly familiar.

Once I noticed the framed photographs on the wall I realised this was the family room of the house I used to live in when my mother was alive. When happiness surrounded me and I was the cause of my mothers happiness.

"This could of been your future if you weren't so stupid" I dark voice whispered in my ear, sending cold shivers down my spine.

I turn around, ready to knock whoever was about to ruin the girls in the room of their happiness.

I excepted my father like every other time but I was surprised and extremely annoyed when I notice it is Dale Michaels.

That bastard.

In a quick second the glowing of the flames were gone but I could still see the smirk on Dales face. I turn back to the girls and the laughter had stopped, it was too dark to see if they had seen us or not.

He ruined their happiness!

With hatred thick in my eyes I snap my head back to the bastard behind me.

"Don't get mad at me pretty boy. You did this, not me." He chuckled.

He was right. He was so right. And I'm going to make sure he suffers because there's no way I'm letting anyone ruin Valery's happiness, even if that means I have to leave her.

I snap my eyes open and jump off the couch, I have a plan. I'm not sure if it'll be good enough or if it'll make things better or worse but I needed to try before time runs out and Valey's happiness is taken away.

As I drive through town I notice the little people there was around. It was around midnight now, there should be some idiotic teens running around. There was none and I begun to think I might not be able to do what I had planned tonight.

I park my bike around the corner of a dark street that I recognised from when I first came into town.

With the goods stashed in my jacket pocket I walk down the sketchy street, this is where all the no life's were. I walk around selling all the drugs I had on me, these creeps were so desperate, it was obvious there wasn't many people selling around at the moment.

As I walk around I feel a presence following me but whoever it was knew how to stay hidden as every time I had the chance to check behind me no one was there.

A bunch of teenagers caught my eyes as they flow threw the street, looking for whatever they could get. I fucking hate smartass teens but they were perfect to sell drugs too.

This plan could actually work. It might take longer then I thought but so far so good.

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