Chapter 37

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*Clay's pov*

"Gosh man I missed you!" Isaac shouts over the music as we laugh at the previous joke, sipping away at our beers. I push Isaac off the bar stool and he stumbles to his feet, still laughing over something I couldn't even remember anymore.

"Yeah gosh bro, I actually forgot how fun you were." Tyson laughs still sitting at the bar as I smirk at there compliments.

"This is nothing" I say finishing yet another beer.....I wasn't sure which number but I wasn't going to think to deep into that right now. I was having fun with the guys again.

"The girls are so fucking hot here!" Isaac laughs which Tyson laughs back agreeing, clearly both drunk. I shrug at them as I look around finding chase sitting alone at one of the booths.

I roll my eyes, we were at a bloody nightclub with a lot of hot chicks dancing and there's chase sitting in the corner like a fucking sad sack. I knew I had to go see what was up with him, it was my job as his best friend. I needed to make it up to him.

I left the two idiots who were still laughing at the bar and walk over to Chase, not forgetting the many girls that tried grabbing me on the way.

"What's wrong with you? You're supposed to be having a good time." I say as I slide down on the other side of the booth, now face to face with him.

"I'm good bro, just didn't get much sleep last night." He very softly smiles at me before looking back at the table. I knew there was something to this, I just needed to guess and read his face.

"I heard you on the phone last night, who was it?" I said looking straight into his eyes trying to see some sort of emotion.

There it was! Panic, like he didn't want to get caught.

"Who was it Chase?" I say again more sternly. He stuttered, trying to say something after shaking his head and look back at me with a slightly stern look.

"Look, you weren't there when she was in my arms crying every night. They should've been your arms but they were mine. She was so broken-hearted, she stayed at our place in your room almost every night before she left to college as she knew if she was alone she would remember everyone who left her and break down again. I don't know why you're back Clay but I don't want you anywhere near her, she's finally happy. You're a good guy Clay but not for her. You broke her once, don't go do it again." He said and i noticed my mouth was slightly open and eyes wide. I had no idea what Chase was going to say to me but I didn't expect this.

"You told me she wasn't happy." I say, that was the only thing that really struck me. I know it's selfish but I felt sort of good that she was unhappy like me.

"I called her last night and she was so cheery.....until of course when I told her about you." He said and a pain struck through me.

I couldn't do this, I don't want to talk about her. I'm at a fucking nightclub and I'm talking about one girl when there's many around me actually wanting me.

"I can't talk about this right now." I say getting up.

"Just remember Clay, you did this not her." Chase said and I quickly rush away before I smash him in the face. I was so close to it, how dare he talk about all this and make me feel worse. God I'm such a prick.

I tried finding the other guys but they were already on the dance floor is a bunch of girls around them. I sigh as I walk outside and sit down on a park bench, taking a cigarette out of my pocket.

I stare at the cigarette remembering her telling me many times to put it back and to kiss her instead. I'd always choose to her kiss, I longed for a kiss from her.

I groan as I put the cigarette back into the box and shove it back into my pocket. I quickly text Chase saying I'm going home before walking down the dark street.

As soon as I got back to Chases apartment I crash on the couch. After knowing she had slept in my bed for weeks I don't think I could sleep in there again.

My eyes snap open but this time I wasn't in a dark narrow room like usual, I was at a park. It was a small park but many children seemed to love it. I tried moving to have a look around when I notice I was once again glued to the chair. What is with this chair?

I hear laughter all around me but suddenly all I could hear was one certain laugh. I knew that laugh anywhere, my eyes snap to the beautiful girl with the long hair running across the park. She looks older now but still gorgeous. I smile at her as I watch her laugh but then my heart stops when I saw what she was looking at.

A little girl and man. The man walks up to her and kisses her on the lips as they both smile down at the little girl. I gasp, she had a husband and a kid now. She was truely happy now.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I try so hard to move away so she couldn't see me but it was too late, she had spotted me watching her. Her husband and daughter weren't paying attention as they run off and suddenly the before blue sky turns into dark clouds as we stare at each other.

I start yelling her name out, I need for her to talk to me but she didn't move. I notice a woman walk up beside her and I realised it to be my mother, now they were both staring at me.

"You're exactly like your father. Look at you, watching the love of your life with her new family as you sit there crying. Don't be your father Clay, make a change." She said and before I could yell back to her she turns around and walks off.

"Goodbye Clay" and then she disappears, I look back at Valery. She must be able to see the tears run down my cheeks from all the way over there as I notice the sadness in her eyes.

"Valery" I say but she doesn't do anything but look to the floor and start to turn around.

"Valery wait!" I tell trying my hardest to move off this stupid chair but she kept walking away.

"Valery please!" I yell again wanting her so badly to turn around.

"I love you Valery!" I yell almost choking on my words but it was too late, she had disappeared.

"CLAY!" I hear someone scream in my ear and I shoot up from the couch, almost knocking the person out.

"Clay are you okay?" I look to see Chase looking at me with concern all over his face.

"I-I'm fine." I say running a hand though my hair. He sighs but stays silently watching me.

"W-what um, what did you hear?" I say nervously not wanting to know what he actually heard.

"You kept yelling for Valery." He said and I look at him in the dark lounge room.

"Was that it?" I say not one hundred percent believing him.

"Ah yeah that was it." He stutters but I didn't take much notice of it.

"Clay do you have these nightmares often?" He asks and I lightly nod still not looking at him. I didn't want him seeing how weak I actually am right now.

"How many have you had?" He asks and I just sit there staring at the floor. I was frustrated that he has now seen me in my weakest moment. To be honest I wasn't fully sure how many of these nightmares I've actually had but I knew I've had a lot.

"Will you stop asking so many damn question. I would really like to sleep if that's okay." I snap and he sighs nodding to show he understood. He pulls himself off the end of the couch and walks down the hallway to his room without a word.

I knew he wasn't going to forget about this, why can't these nightmares just fucking stop.

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