Chapter 24

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*Valery's pov*

Today it was almost exactly a month since Clay asked me to be his girlfriend, probably my favourite night I've ever had. Clay and I had became a lot close since that night, we haven't had sex or anything we just have became closer and god I love kissing him all the time. He probably loves it more then I do. I called Bella that night telling her all about it which she was over the moon about it and was so happy for me.

The Wild Devils were back in town though and Clay wasn't always around as much. He didn't want to invade my time with my dad but my dad never stays home to hang out with me, he was always at the pub with the gang so I am basically lonely when he is in town. I still had clay over a few times just not as much. But tonight Clay and Max were coming over for dinner, I didn't know how that was going to go since last time we did that was the first time I ever met Clay and now I was dating him. I don't think our fathers even knew yet which scares me more.

I stand in the kitchen nervously playing with my necklace that Clay had gotten me as I wait for the two men to arrive as dad stood outside cleaning the BBQ. Finally I hear a knock on the door and I am quick to open it.

"Good evening Miss Hawkins" Max says with a smirk on his lips as clay stands behind with a pack of beer in his hand.

I smile in return as I move to the side a little, "Come in, my dad is just out the back starting the BBQ" i stay to the side as they both walk past me, Clay making sure to give me a quick kiss on the cheek as I shut the door behind them.

"Okay great" Max cooly says as he walks though my house and out the back like he owns the place or something.

If I was ever going to hate someone it would be that man, I hate his attitude and how he has changed my father but mostly how much he's ruined Clay as a person and his emotions.

"Hey only I can give death glares to my father" Clay smudges as he walks back from the kitchen without the beer in his hands.

"Sorry" I snap out of it as Clay wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into him.

"Don't be sorry, he's a true ass" he says casually as I sigh. My dad has become just like Max, meaning I know my dad was a true ass too now.

"Want to go hang out in my room?" I ask him feeling like being alone with him and not anywhere near those two men.

"Come on Val, our parents are around. Who do you think I am?" Clays eyes fill with humour which makes me playfully glare at them as he chuckles lightly.

"I didn't mean it that way" I sigh feeling exhausted which Clay pulls me closer.

"I know babe, sure let's go" he says grabbing my hand and pulling me up to my room, quickly to shut my door behind him.

I sit on my bed expecting him to do the same but was shocked when he puts his lips onto mine. I have to say I didn't mind it, I was wanting to kiss him anyways so it works out fine but I can sense he really needs this kiss. We were now laying down on my bed, Clay resting his elbows on each side of my body to give him support to stay above me as we make out. I pull on his hair a little trying to get him closer to me as he deepens the kiss which almost immediately took our breathes away as we had to pull away.

"My favourite thing to do" was all he says as he kisses my forehead and then flops down beside me, pulling me closer to his body.

We sat there for agers, talking about small things and even sensitive things until we hear Max yell out that dinner was ready which makes me stiffen, feeling nervous.

"Don't be nervous, it'll be fine" Clay says to me quickly as he squeezes my hand before letting go and exiting the room to join the two men in the dining room. I slowly follow behind making sure there was a distance and so I could be able to put my best fake smile on.

Dinner was quiet and pretty awkward, Max was very chatty but everyone else didn't really want to chat as we just kept eating. When it's usually just dad and I at home we don't really talk while we eat. He eats, says thank you and then leaves again making me clean up after cooking. 

The dinner was almost identical to the first time I met Clay expect that I was sitting next to Clay for comfort not my dad as my dad sat across from me trying to avoid eye contact. I had finally realised that Clay and my dad had swapped roles in my life. Clay used to be a boy I never talked to and my father was the person I was the closest to but now it had swapped. I hardly knew my father but Clay was everything to me.

"Thanks for dinner" Max says as my father and max stand up and exit to the Lounge room. I sigh as i stand collecting everyone's plates and taking them to the kitchen to clean up.

"You're not a maid Valery, he should be helping you" Clay says walking in with a few things from the table to be washed.

"No it's the least I can do, he pays for my food and shelter. It's seriously fine." I smile to Clay, I never really thought as it in a maid sort of way. As long as my father keeps a roof over my head and food then I'm more then happy to do some chores.

"Let me help" Clay says as he grabs a tea towel and starts drying and putting away the dishes that I was cleaning.

"You all good for Sunday still?" I ask clay making sure he wasn't ready to ditch me.

"I can't say I'm looking forward to a double date again but hey I'm going to be with you so yeah I'm all good for Sunday still" Clay winks at me which makes me slightly smile back. I knew deep down Clay didn't mind my friends.

"It won't be too bad" I shrug which makes Clay chuckle a little.

"As long as I get to make out with you then yeah i agree" he says as he comes up behind me and slips his arms around my waist, quick to spin me around so I was facing him. He drops his head and slowly presses his lips onto mine making the fireworks explode in my stomach again. Once I notice my hand was still in the soapy water, the top of the water covered with bubbles I smirk and softly slap Clay across the cheek with bubbles on my hand. His eyes open widely in shock as he pulls away from the kiss smirking a little after wiping the bubbles off his face.

"You've just started war miss Hawkins" Clay smirks as he puts his hand in the bubbles, scooping a whole bunch in his hand and quickly hitting my forehead with it all. I squeal as I start splashing water at him which he did back making me slightly scream. We both laugh as we stop and look at each other drenched in either bubbles or water, Clay walks over joining our lips again, kissing more gentle now.

"We better be off Clay" Max's voice was very close and as we both jump and stop kissing we see Max leaning on the kitchen door watching us.

"Yeah okay" Clay says keeping our distance as seconds later dad appears behind Max looking at the two of us in confusion. 

We wait for Max and James to leave to exit the front door as Clay quickly turns to me.

"Do you want me to stay? I can stay here for the night so it's not that awkward" Clay looks worried as he scans my eyes for an answer.

"As much as I want to say yes, I think you should go home" I say as we walk to my front door.

"Cya James, bye Valery" max slightly nods his head at us as we both nod our heads.

"Bye Valery" Clay says pulling me into a quick peck on the lips and then a strong hug.

"I'll talk to you later" I whisper while he was hugging me, I feel him nod his head. He pulls away giving me a single smile about to exit the door like Max just did.

"See you around James" Clay says quickly and then rushes over to his Range Rover as Max was over at his Harley.

As they leave I close the door noticing dad was already back in the lounge room.

"That was a good night, better then the first time yeah" I try to make a joke as I chuckle but all I got was a mumble from my dad.

"Yeah" he says blankly.

"Okay well I'm going to bed" I say giving up as I walk up to my room and slowly fall asleep.

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