Chapter 18

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*Clay's pov*

Friday was finally here, that meant my date with Valery and god I was excited but also nervous.

As I finish my final touches the doorbell rang. I look up confused as I walk to the door slowly, it could be anyone maybe someone looking for my father who owes him money. I quickly door the door, prepared for anything on the other side but stop when I notice it was Meagan, I suddenly roll my eyes.

"What are you doing here?" I groan, I don't need her coming here and ruining my mood. I had a date to go to.

"I need your help" her cheeks were red and her eyes were puffy, she had defiantly been crying but I didn't feel one bit sorry for her.

"Well I can't, I've got a date to attend" I say as I walk out the front door, locking it behind me.

"A date! You never took me on dates!" She shouts, okay so now she was starting to get angry.

"We were fuck buddies, you don't go on dates with them." I snap and when I turn to see her face she looking hurt which I felt a little bad for. "Now what do you want?" I say a little calmly.

"I'm pregnant. He doesn't want to be involved and won't come to the appointment" a tear fell down her face.

"What's that have to do with me?" I say as we stand on my pouch.

"Please come with me Clay, I need someone to be next to me." She says and I laugh.

"No, I have a date." I say as I walk straight past her and towards my car.

"Ill tell her, I'll tell her you're little deal with your daddy." She says which stops me in my tracks, I spun around and march my way over to her.

"How do you know about that?" I snap glaring at her deeply.

"Gossip. Now come with me." She smirks and I finally realise I hate this chick.

"If you tell her it won't be pretty for you." I snap and she laughs.

"I'm not scared of you Clay. I will go tell her." She smirks which makes me almost punch her but I was against punching girls.

"I hate you" I snap as I run a hand through my hair.

"No you don't." She says as she starts to walk over to her car.

"As if I'm going to be seen in your shitty car, we are going in mine." I say as I walk over to my car and jump in, turning it on.

We sit in the clinic waiting to be called into the room from the doctor. I didn't talk or look at Meagan once as I decide to grab a magazine that was sitting on the bench and start to stare at the photos, as if I was going to read that shit.

What felt like a year the doctor finally calls Meagan's name. She stands up and once she realises I was still sitting down she glares at me.

"You have to come in." She says and I groan. I didn't want to be in the room while she was having her appointment. There was no need for me to be in there, I'm not the father, I'm not even the friend.

The appointment was shit and so was the fucking doctor, he kept sending me glares. I'm not the bloody father asshole was what I wanted to spit in his face about ten times throughout the appointment.

"I'll see you at your next check you" the doctor smiles as he stares at her growing stomach and then back to her. Not looking at me once as we leave, asshole.

"Bye" I say walking faster and out the door towards my car.

"Wait up Clay!" She yells as she slowly jogs up to me.

"What now?" I groan, leaning back on my car.

"Didn't you hear what he said? I need to go get those things from the shops immediately." She says and I laugh.

"I am not going shopping with you, this wasn't part of the deal." I shake my head.

"I know who she is Clay. I can easily find her and what do you think? She's still waiting at her house for you? No, You missed your date so now lets go." she spat and I grew angry.

"Let's get this fucking over with" I snap as I walk around the driver side and get into the car, turning it on straight away and heading to the shops without saying a word to Meagan.

We walk to a few shops which were all boring baby shops, I could have literally killed myself in boredom, I pretty much complained the whole time so she knows not to take me next time. We had basically finished and we start heading to the car, walking down the street.

"Don't you miss this?" She smiles as she grabs my hand, swinging it back and forth.

"Can't think about that anymore, you're pregnant" I say pulling my hand out of her sweaty one.

"But I miss you Clay" she says as she quickly turns and her lips were on mine. Once I notice that I was actually kissing back I quickly push her away and wiped my mouth, looking at her in disgust.

"Yeah well I don't" I snap walking a little faster away from her and then I stopped, Valery.

There she was, standing next to her best friend in a beautiful sundress with hurt printed on her face. I literally just wanted to pull her into my arms and kiss her forehead and tell her how beautiful she looks in that dress but I couldn't move. God I have fucked up today.

The look in her eyes were the same pained look that she got when she talked about her dad and that made me feel like absolute shit because I never want to hurt her like he does.

I wouldn't look at her when she was looking at me like that. I run a hand though my hair, quickly turning around and rushing back to my car. I had no idea where Meagan disappeared to but I really couldn't give a shit about her.

I quickly drive away towards Chases apartment and walk in to see him watching football with a beer in his hand.

"Clay! Grab a beer and come sit" he smiles widely from the couch. I slightly smile as I walk in and shut the door behind me. I grab a beer and take a seat next to him.

"So what's happening lately?" He says and I shrug, I was most defiantly not talking to him about a girl, especially Valery.

"Nothing really." I shrug and he smirks.

"You've been hanging with that Valery chick haven't you" he smirks, bumping my shoulder slightly.

"None of your business, I just have no one at my house so came here." I say as I had a sip of my beer.

"Hey you should just move in, it'll be awesome and it'll help with the bills also there is two rooms for a reason."  He smiled widely. He has asked me to live here many times but I've always said no but now I'm actually thinking yes.

I didn't say anything but after watching the football with a few beers I had finally decided my answer.

"Yeah okay, I'll move in." I say and Chase cheers.

"This is gonna be great" he laughs as he finishes his five beer which makes me laugh, shaking my head a little.

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