Chapter 39

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*Clay's pov*

I have been trying to avoid Chase since last night, I didn't want to talk about last night and I just wanted to forget he ever heard it. I wasn't a weak person, I was strong all the time especially around people and if I became weak for a second I wouldn't want anyone to see me but Chase just had to be there. I couldn't face him, no one but my mother had ever seen me like that and I plan on not letting anyone else see me weak. 

This morning I left before Chase had even woke up and rode to the only place I could stand in this town. The river. It wasn't a fancy river, sure you would always find teenagers come here on weekends to jump off high rocks and swim but I found a small spot where no one was and I made it my thinking spot. I found this spot when I was a kid after my mum had past, I almost lived here and to this day no one knows about this spot. After I met Valery I didn't go here often, I just didn't find the time. I almost forgot about this spot to be honest, I didn't have that need anymore because I had her.

As I lean against my bike looking at the view around me I became at peace. I look down at the water where a few kids were jumping in and squealing. I could hear the birds all around me in the forest and I could feel the light breeze that hit my skin. I felt like the little kid that once came here to silently scream out his pain. I could feel the heart break that I had and the feeling of loss.

I sigh and start to get deeper and deeper into my thoughts when my phone starts ringing, popping me out of my little bubble.

"What?" I say when I notice the number to be one I don't have in my contacts.

"Clay Pearce, where the fuck is my money?" A man growls over the phone.

"Who the fuck is this?" I snap, who does he think he is.

"You know who I am, you owe me money" he snaps back and as I was about to yell into the phone when I recognised the voice.

Dale Michael. He is a high drug dealer and I owed the guy a lot of money. My father told me to get drugs for the gang to sell and that's where I went, I just had no money to give the guy.

"Dale." I say and he dryly chuckles.

"If I don't get the money in two week then there will be consequences. I'll be getting one of my men to follow until you do. Don't fucking test me Pearce." He snaps.

"Who's the lucky guy following me again?" I say and he growls deeper at my calm tone.

"The fucking money Clay. We will find a way to get it and you." He growls and hangs up.

Im literally fucked. I had no money to pay this guy and there was no way I was going to my dad for the cash. I didn't know what to do. I knew I wasn't going to get out of this, there were many people who have had trouble with Dale and every single one of them didn't come back the same or sometimes not at all.

The only thing I knew right now was that I needed to get out of this town before his little minion could find me. The last thing I need is one of his pussies following me around reminding how much of a fucked up life I'm living in.

With angry flowing though my system, all the memories floating away, I jump back on my bike and ride back to Chases.

As I storm up to Chases apartment I could already smell of pot. It wasn't even lunch time yet. Once I had opened up the room I notice Isaac, Tyson and Chase all sitting on the couch.

They all look at me strangely as I stand there staring right back. I shake my head quickly and rush into my room to grab my clothes and pack them into my bag.

"Why are you in such a rush man?" Isaac yells from the lounge room.

Ignoring his question, I grab all my clothes and chuck them in my backpack, taking the clothes that didn't fit in the bag back out and onto the floor. I was trying to get out of here as quick as I could.

I did slow my pace down a little as I had no idea what I was going to tell the guys or where I was actually going to go but I need to leave town, I need to find a way to get this money.

I look around my room one more time before grabbing the bag and exiting the room. I stop in the lounge room staring at my three best friends who were already starting to drink, already finishing the bong.

"Look guys another ride has come up, I'll see you guys when I get back." I say rushing to the front door, not giving them much eye contact.

"You're with the gang still?" Tyson yells and I didn't answer, instead I open the door and slam it behind me.

I jump back into my bike for the third time today and ride straight out of town. I turn my head around a few times to make sure no one was following me and thank god there wasn't.

Now there's just two things left to think of.....
First where the fuck am I going to go?
And second how am I going to get this cash?

After riding for a good hour I notice a sign for a town which sounds quite familiar to me. I turn off the freeway and into the town trying to remember why it seems so bloody familiar to me.

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