Chapter 14

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*Clay's pov*

I ignore the boys who were talking to me about stupid shit as my eyes lock on the most beautiful girl as she sits with her friend eating sushi. I take a step towards her but stop when I notice her rush to stand up and rush away with Bella. God you messed up Clay, she is so pissed off.

The boys and I start to walk around the shops again but I wasn't really paying attention to where we were going as I was looking out for Valery, I need to see her.

"It's going to be fucking lit" Issac laughs as we walk through the shopping centre.

"I want to go back and get those sick shoes!" Chase whinges, dreaming about the pair of shoes he's so desperate to buy.

"Hey why don't Issac and I go get the drinks and meet you back at Chases?" Tyson suggests, we had a party tonight at one of the college frat houses, the boys were overly excited but I wasn't feeling up to chilling with the pretty boys.

"Yeah, Clay and I will go get those shoes" Chase winks at me which I groan, I fucking hate shopping so much.

"Okay meet you guys back at Chases" Issac waves as they start walking away.

"Just make this quick will you" I say and Chase laughs.

"Dude I'll be a quick second" Chase walks into the shop, me following right on his tail.

As I stand, keeping my distance between myself and Chase trying the shoe on for size, I notice a bunch of guys from Valery's high school. One I recognise as Jordan, Valery's little friend. Others were a little familiar as they had been to some of the parties I've trashed.

"Hey Chase I'm just going out back for a cigarette" i say walking a little closer to him, the smell of new shoes clogging my nostrils.

"Yeah sure bro" Chase says as I turn and walk out the store, I notice an exit door for around the back of the shopping centre and walk through it.

As I light my cigarette and take one inhale I hear the door open behind me, I turn and notice Jordan with a few of his friends behind him.

"So you're Valery's new little boyfriend?" Jordan smirks as he walks towards me and all I did was laugh. He's trying to act all big and tuff, mate I could bash you that hard you'll probably have to go to hospital.

"Why you ask? Getting a little jealous there?" I smirk still chuckling a little as I take another inhale of my cigarette and then exhaling it right on his face. He coughs a little but then glares deeply at me.

"See I've been flirting with Valery for a while now. Waiting for her to come to me so I can take her virginity. I'd beat every guy at school and I'm going to win, I'll make it a good win too. So back off." Jordan snarls which a hidden smirk, a few of his friends laughing behind him. I wonder if his bff Scott knows about this. My knuckles are almost white from clenching them that hard as I glare harshly at him.

"She'll be so sweet and great. She'll be crying after-" the kid didn't have a smirk on his face much longer as I threw a punch right to his face, sending him stumbling backwards.

Jordan walks forward and punches me square in the nose, feeling blood drip down my lips I grab the kid harshly and punch him to the ground.

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