Chapter 50

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* Valery's pov*

"Okay girls get ready!" Sienna shouts with enthusiasm as she bounces into the kitchen.

I envy Sienna so much. She was able to wake up and immediately be in a happy mood where Bella and I had to drink a strong cup of coffee before we could even pull a smile.

"Why?" Bella groans looking at me then at the Sienna which zero amount of enthusiasm.

"Because we are having a girls day and going to the beach." She demands as she makes herself a cup of tea.

"Why?" Bella repeats while yawning. I muffle a laugh as I watch Sienna roll her eyes at Bella.

"It's almost midday Bella! There's no excuse for your lack of coffee this time, that was your second cup now go get ready." Sienna crosses her arms, "you too Valery. We leave in ten" she demands, now sipping her tea.

"Yes mum" Bella rolls her eyes back at Sienna, walking out of the kitchen, a chuckling me following behind her.


Nirvana is playing in the car as we drive to the beach. Sienna hates the band but it was Bella's favourite band and seeing it was her car it was her choice in music, not like I minded. I quiet like nirvana but I think Bella purposely put it on to piss Sienna off.

As Bella parks, the sun blinds me through the front window. It was the perfect day for the beach.

"Seeing we have been dragged to the beach, I decide we are going to the ice cream shack first." Bella demands as we all step out of the car.

"Fine by me" Sienna smirks as she skips towards the shop, Bella and I shuffling behind her.

"Gosh does that girl ever settle down" Bella groans as we watch our best friend act like an idiot.

"Do you ever stop groaning like little miss cranky" I laugh at her and she rolls her eyes, a smile creeping onto her lips.

"Sorry, I just got my period yesterday and then to top it off Scott's being an asshole" she awkwardly smiles at me and I frown.

"Aw bell, you guys have been going so strong lately. What happened?" I say as we approach the ice cram shack.

"Jordan called Scott the other night asking if he could stay in his dorm if he comes and stays for a few nights. Scott asked me about it and I told him to say no! But no he just forgets everything that asshole did and is all chatty with him." She rants on and I freeze at the word Jordan.

" coming here?" I say nervously.

"Yes that pig is coming here for some unknown reason. I know it's been a long time since you've seen him but I'm not letting him come anywhere near you okay?" She says grabbing my hand to assure me.

She literally has no idea that I have already seen him, only a few days ago. I need to tell Clay...or maybe I shouldn't, he'd just get angry.

I quietly nod, giving her a small smile as we continue our walk into the ice cream shack.

"Gosh took your time" Sienna rolls her eyes, already hacking into her ice cream.

"Well thanks for waiting for us" Bella sarcastically mutters as we search for our ice cream flavours.

After Bella and I buy our ice creams, the three of us sit at a table facing the beach. I curiously watch my surrounds as we chat among ourselves. I couldn't help myself, I was scared Jordan would appear just like at the diner.

"So Sienna no more Carson anymore?" I ask her and she suddenly stops licking her ice cream and shyly smiles at us.

"Nope! It's time to move on now" She widely grins going back to licking her ice cream.

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