Chapter 55

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* Clay's pov*

I continue my routine that I've started. This was the quickest way to get to money I needed for Dale.

I hated that I had to leave Valery so early this morning, I didn't even get to see her. But I need to get this over and done with so I can continue my life without this following me and creating an unsafe life for Valery.

I walk through the same dirty streets, selling the last of the stuff that I brought with me, I'm going to have to either get more or think of a new plan.

I lean against the wall looking at the stuff I have left while waiting for another loser to walk up for there addiction. I see a pair of classy shoes placed infront of me.

Great, probably another rich guy who 'needs a night off as I can't deal with my great job and hot wife.' Actual losers.

I look up rolling my eyes but become shocked once I notice the face in front of me. He looks awful, his eyes look darker and red and so does the skin around them, his lips are cracked and dry and his hair is flying everywhere but his clothes are in perfect condition, even his shirt is tucked in.

What a fucking prude. I chuckle quietly to myself.

"Clay? What the fuck" he looks shocked and then he snaps out of it and shakes his head, "pft of course it's you. Why am I even shocked? Fucking drug dealer, of course" he chuckles dryly, talking to himself. He seriously has gone crazy. I can't sell them to him like this, if something happens it'll come straight back to me.

"Yeah no not happening" I say stepping away from him but he is quick to put his hand on my chest and push me back against the wall. Well he tried, I didn't move a bit.

"What the fuck do you mean? Sell me the fucking pot" he growls getting angry.

I restrain myself to not laugh, he just wants pot? The only drug he knows is probably pot. What a fucking idiot. Weed couldn't do that much to him but it's obvious he's had quiet a lot of it already. Where did he get it from because hell it wasn't me.

"Don't you think you've had enough bud?" I say trying to cool him down. Valery still has a soft spot for him, I wasn't going to fuck him up.

"You're not my father asshole" he says as he swings his arm out to punch me but I quickly knock him to the ground, growing angry at his presence.

He seriously has the lamest comebacks.

"You're such a piece of shit." I say as I throw a small bag of pot at him and walk away.

I seriously felt bad for him. He could have that shit for free as long as he's out of my face.

I decide to head home after the seeing Nate, I couldn't deal with any of these assholes anymore today. I jump onto my bike and ride back to the apartment.

As I get there I feel like something wasn't right. I walk slowly up to my room and once I open the door I see Jordan inside with a gun in his hand.

What the fuck is he doing in my apartment?

"What the fuck. Get the fuck out right now." I growl at him as I approach him.

"Woah watch it man" Jordan smirks holding his gun higher to show his power. He had no fucking power, he probably doesn't even know how to aim that gun right.

"Why the fuck are you in my room?" I snap clinching my fists. Ready to let go of my anger on him if he didn't give me answers soon.

"Well who else is going to make sure you pay your money. Small drug deals with ass wipes around here isn't going to get the money fast enough." He chuckles the evil glistening in his eyes.

What the fuck is he talking abo- oh shit. He's Dales little spy. This whole time. Fuck, has Valery seen him at all other then with me? She's in more danger then I thought.

"I'll get the money soon okay, just fucking lay off." I say running my fingers through my hair in frustration. I need to ask Valery if she's seen him but then she'll start to ask questions that I won't be able to give the answer to. She'll never forgive me if she finds out why I'm really here.

"Watch out Clay. You don't want anyone to get hurt" Jordan chuckles with his smirk still on his lips as he waves his gun in the air and then walks out of my apartment.

What the fuck does he mean watch out? Of course I don't want anymore to get hurt. But who does he mean? Valery?

I grow sick at that. He wouldn't hurt her right?

I need to find a faster way to get Dales money. But how?

I couldn't think about the money as the only thing going through my mind right now is Valery. I need to see her. I grab my keys and make my way to my bike to ride over to her dorms.

I arrive to her dorms and rush up to her room and knock on the door but no one answers. She wasn't here.

Panic runs through me.

Calm down Clay, she's probably just with her friends.

I grab my phone out of my back pocket and ring her phone but it goes to voicemail. I groan and scroll through my contacts to see if I had Bella's number. For some reason I did which is great right now. I ring it and get an answer almost straight away.

"Clay?" Bella says from the other side.

"Hi is Valery with you?"

"Uhhh no- yeah she is" She mumbles through the phone obviously getting instructed by Valery on what to say.

"Could I speak to her?" I say and I hear a muffle on the other side for a solid minute.

"Hey Clay" Valery sounds worried, what has happened.

"Val are you okay?" I say panic starting to run through my veins.

"What- yeah I'm fine Clay. Why did you call?" She was lying. She wasn't fine. Something was bothering her.

"We need to talk about Jordan" I say and I could no longer hear her breath. "Valery hello?" Panic is clear in my voice.

"How did you find out?" She says and I'm suddenly confused. What is she talking about? What has happened?

"Find out about what? Look can we meet somewhere to talk? I can come to your dorm" I was already at the dorms but I didn't want to seem like a creep.

"I can't today Clay. I'm literally studying all afternoon." She says in a bored tone. What's with her today?

"Studying? Seriously Valery?" I say rolling my eyes. That was the best lie she could come up with?

"I'm serious Clay. Come over tomorrow night okay." She says as a yawn escapes her lips.

"Okay fine, I'll see you then" I say ending the conversation as I take the phone away from my ear.

"Bye Clay" she mumbles lightly as I end the call. Luckily she hadn't arrived at her dorm yet from wherever she is right now. I jump on my bike and ride down to the wharf.

Yes this place was where one of my many mistakes with Valery took place but it had a calming vibe to it and Valery said she could always think here which I think would work for me as well.

I need to think of a plan and this wharf is going to give it to me.

I hope.

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