Chapter 32

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*Valery's pov*

"It's so beautiful, this is my new favourite restaurant" I smile as we sit down at our table that was right beside the huge glass window that outlooked the beach. It was perfect timing too as the sun was setting.

"Yeah I thought you would like it." Nate smiles as he looks out at the view and then back at me.

Nate had decided yesterday that we would go on the date tonight which I didn't complain, I loved hanging out with him.

"Are you ready to order?" A young female waitress smiles gently at us.

"Yeah, Valery what would you like?" Nate smiles at me which I look down at the menu reassuring myself that that's what I wanted for dinner.

"I'll have the salmon dish thanks" I smile at her as she nods writing my order down on her small notebook.

"What about you sir?" She looks at Nate who still looks undecided.

"I think I'll have the same as her thanks" he smiles and after writing it down she tells us that it wouldn't be long and then walks off.

"So I've been meaning to ask you something" Nate said, itching the back of his neck nervously.

"Yeah? What is it?" I smile as I take a sip of my ice tea waiting for him to continue.

"Well my mum called yesterday and invited us over for lunch. I was wondering if you would come with me?" He smiles still looking a little nervous as my eyes widened in shock.

Meeting the parents already? Jesus I haven't even told him about my parents. God dammit Valery.

But I could help but smile at the thought that he wants to introduce me to his parents.

"She invited me?" I ask and he slowly nods, a little confused at where I was going with this. "I would love to, id love to meet your parents." His smile widens as the words comes out of my mouth.

I smile back but couldn't help the nerves and guilt fluttering about inside me.

Soon our meals had been served to us and we both started eating in silence.

I didn't want to talk, this food was absolutely amazing. It was the best salmon I've tried in so long. I couldn't help but to moan as I ate it.

"You look so beautiful when you eat." Nate was looking at me when I finally took my eyes off my food and up to him.

"I think I look like a caveman when I eat" I say making his compliment less awkward. I wasn't to fond on people complimenting me, I always felt awkward and I never believed them.

"You are so wrong there" he smiles sadly hating that I was dissing myself.

"Whatever you big flirt" I chuckle and he looks at me with a small smile on his lips.

"I can't help to compliment my girlfriend that I love" he said way to fast for his own brain. I snap up to look at him and I notice the horror in his eyes as he stares back at me. I'm just relieved I wasn't eating or drinking when he said that because that could of ended worse.

"What? You love-" I start to slowly say but Nate quickly cuts in.

"I was going to wait later to tell you but I guess now is the time. I love you Valery, you are just the most stunning precious, kind hearted girl I've ever had the privilege of knowing. God I've known for a long time that I love you, you're my perfect girl. I love you Valery and I could literally yell it out loud right now" his smile was so wide as he had his outburst.

"No don't yell it out" I rush out which his smile fades away just as fast as the words came out of my mouth. "Nate I- I think that was very sweet of you but I can't say it back because I don't want to lie to you. I'm still broken. I just can't I'm sorry Nate" I frown, this date has turned into shit so fast.

"Yeah no I totally understand, god I've fucked up badly. I should be saying sorry, ugh I'm a fucking idiot." Nate mumbles almost to himself.

"No no you're not. I'm the one who messed up the perfect moment." I say and after that I didn't get a response from him.

"You um ready to leave?" He said after a good ten minutes of silence. He hadn't looked at me once. Good job Valery, way to fuck up.

"Yeah sure" I say as we both stand up and after Nate pays I follow him outside and back to his car.

I had a feeling that after the meal we were supposed to go for a walk on the beach but I think Nate wanted to get away from me.

Nate starts the car up as I hop into the passenger seat, no words or glances were thrown between us as Nate drives me home.

I had no idea what I say, I couldn't believe Nate told me he loved me and I couldn't believe that I ruined such a perfect moment that I had been waiting to have with a guy my whole life. It just seemed wrong though, like the wrong guy or something. I don't know but I hope Nate wasn't to angry as he knows how hard it's been for me after Clay leaving, the only thing is. He had no idea that my father did the exact same thing so it made it so much worse.

Once we arrived back on canvas I let out a breath, happy to soon be out of this awkward vibe with Nate. He stops right in front of my dorm building and as I take my seatbelt off I glance over at him but he was too busy staring at his steering wheel.

"Thanks for tonight Nate, the food was beautiful. I'll see you tomorrow" I smile even though he wouldn't be looking as I hop out of the car.

"No problem" he mumbles as he turns his engine back on and I shut the car door.

I stand still as I watch him drive away from me. Oh Jesus Valery, what have you done?

I knew tears were coming to my eyes but I couldn't let them fall. I didn't want Sienna to see them and I needed to be strong for myself.

Why did clay have to do this to me? I can't love Nate without fully letting Clay go. Why can't I let Clay go?

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