Chapter 8

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*Clay's pov*

Groaning I turn over which made me fall onto the floor with a loud thud. I sat up looking at the same couch that I somehow fell asleep on last night. I get up feeling completely awake now and walk to Chase's kitchen.

"That was a funny night" Tyson walks in with a cup of coffee.

"Yeah" I say making myself some cereal.

It wasn't that much of a funny night, we basically do it all the time. Every time we hear that there is a party nearby we drink and go and ruin the party. Most of the parties around here are high school parties so it's much more fun and they are too scared to bash us even though they talk themselves up saying that they will. It was sort of a tradition in our group and most of the time I enjoy myself, looking at the miserable faces around me but last night with Valery, I didn't feel like I was enjoying myself. I might of wrecked her night but she also wrecked mine.

"Are the others still asleep?" I ask Tyson who shakes his head as he sips his coffee.

"No, they are at college" Tyson said and I widen my eyes.

Fuck it's Monday!

I throw my bowl into the sink and slide my jacket on, grabbing my keys and phone.

"Where are you going on such a rush?" Tyson raises his eyebrows at me.

"I have to go" I say as I rush out of the door and to my car. Once I had finished speeding and finally arrived home, I get out of my Range Rover and head inside.

"I'm hoping you just came back from darling miss Valery's bedroom" my father smirks as I stop in my tracks and stand still, feeling the anger boil through me.

I want to yell in his face that he was a disgusting pig but I couldn't. I turn to face my dad who was standing in the kitchen.

"Yeah" I agree with him so he'll get off my back, I probably should not have but right now I need to get away from him. I start to walk towards my room when he calls out my name, I turn and stare at him waiting for him to talk.

"The gang and I are going for a week long ride very soon" he states and I nod but then look at him confused.

They just went on a ride? Usually they wait at least two weeks until they go again.

"Why so quick to run off again?" I say stating that I didn't really give a fuck but I was still curious.

"We have started to change James into one of us and if we leave a big enough gap between our rides it'll take longer for him to change." Max says like he's so smart of thinking of this but to be honest I really couldn't care, I'm not in the gang yet so I don't give a fuck.

"When does this deal finish?" I say and he chuckles.

"Is darling Valery boring?" He smirks, oh he had no idea. To be honest I can't blame him, I thought she was boring too.

"I just want in" I say wanting so much to be going with them on rides.

"As soon as her father is completely one of us then your in" my father said and I nod.

"So have you fucked her yet?" He said after a minute of silence. My fists clench as I glare at the ground, I wasn't going to show him that he made me mad by that comment.

"Have fun on your ride." Was all I say as I turn and walk to my room, shutting the door and falling onto my bed.

What to do, what to do?
The boys were all at boring college and Valery was at school, she's not talking to me anyways but still.

My eyes flicker over to my phone as I hear it go off, obviously I had gotten a message. I reach for it and read the message.

*Tyson- Bro come over, didn't go to college today. Sick of that shit hole!*

*Clay- I'll be there*

I jump off my bed and rush out of the house before my dad could say anything and climb into my car. As soon as I get to Tyson's I see his girlfriends car sitting out front.

Oh please don't let Meagan to be there.

Once I open the front door I knew she was there, I could hear her laugh and I want to run but I knew she wasn't always that bad. When she acted like one of the guys she was awesome to hang with but when she acted like a horny girl it annoyed me and these days she was becoming more of a horny girl then anything.

I walk straight into the lounge room seeing all three of them sitting around with vodka and beer all over the coffee table.

Chase and Tyson both had there own apartments, Issac living with Tyson and sadly I still lived with my father. Chase has invited me to stay with him but I hate having girls there twenty four seven and hearing chase have sex with them. I could get my own apartment and lately I've been looking around but if I get into the gang I don't really need a place.

"That was quick" Tyson said to me as I sat on the couch next to Meagan seeing that I was the only spot left as the couple were cuddling on the other couch.

"Hey Clay" Ally smiles sweetly at me as she cuddles Tyson, I smile back to be polite.

"Yeah hey sexy" Meagan smirks as she whispers near my ear. She usually turns me on when she does things like that but today it was different and I don't know why.

"Flirting today Meagan" I say to her and she giggles. Eh I hate girls giggling, why does she need to be in the girl mood today?

"You know me" she shrugs as she placed a hand on my thigh. I look down at her hand and then look at her with my eyebrows raised.

"Are you comfortable there?" I smirk at her and smirks back.

"Not really" she says and then suddenly she was sitting closer. "Now I am" she winked, our thighs touching now.

"You guys are so alike" Tyson laughs as we both snap our heads to look at him.

"Yeah right" I snicker which made Tyson laugh.

"I think you guys should just date" Ally shrugs smirking at Meagan who I didn't dare to look at in this uncomfortable situation.

"Yeah that's a no from me" I chuckle as I get up and walk to the kitchen to get some food. I hear footsteps behind me and as soon as I turn I feel my lips attach to Meagan's.

"Come on Clay, they are right" she mumbles as she pulls my lips back to hers.

"What happened with that guy at the party?" I ask her as I pull away and grab a bag of chips from the cupboard.

"Turns out he had a pinky as a dick" she smirks and that comment made me laugh.

"No one can beat me in that game" I smirk and she chuckles.

"Your defiantly right but no one can beat me either" she winks, waiting for me to agree but I couldn't. I just couldn't stop thinking about what Valery what be like, I had this feeling in my gut that she would be better then Meagan.

"Yeah right" I laugh and she pushes me playfully.

We walk back into the lounge room to see the two of them making out. Meagan and I stare at each other, she was quick to grab my hand and drag me to the spare bedroom.

"Sneaky" I smirk as she quickly shuts the door.

"Come on we know they were about to have sex on that couch" Meagan chuckles as she walks over to me and roughly places her lips onto mine.

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