Chapter 26

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*Valery's pov*

"Stop panicking Val, look you've been dating for what a month now. He still doesn't know all the rules about how you need to tell your girlfriend everywhere you are at every moment." Bella tries to make a joke out of this situation but I wasn't finding anything funny.

"I don't want to know where he was all night I just don't know why he didn't reply" I say a little panic. To most people, example my best friend Bella would think I was being a typical teenage girl but they didn't know the dangers Clay would be in with his father being in a gang.

"Maybe he had an early night" I was talking to her though my phone but I knew she wasn't giving me her full attention.

"At five o'clock in the afternoon? What if he forgot about today? We are supposed to be all going out in like half an hour." I say as I finish my final touches for Clays and my double date with Bella and Scott.

"Look if he doesn't show up I'll tell Scott that us girls are having a girly day and we will go do something together." She suggests but I couldn't help but to feel guilty.

"No that's not fair on you and Scott." I sigh over the phone finally putting my shoes on to complete my outfit for today.

"Scott knows that we haven't had a girly day out in a while, it'll be fine" Bella assures me and I finally agree.

"Thanks Bella, you're the absolute best best friend" I say which makes her laugh.

"I know babe. Anyways I'm going to finish getting ready, text me once you hear from Clay alright." Bell says and I almost nod my head forgetting for a slight second that she couldn't in fact see me.

"Yeah sure, text you later." I say and then I get a quick goodbye and the line goes died.

I sigh as I try to text Clay again, I was starting to feel a little pissed off by this attitude but I wasn't going to show it because what if something happened that is reasonable.

As I wait around I decide to get my school books ready for tomorrow and clean my room a little. After about half an hour I finally hear my phone go off. I jump at my phone and I relax a little when I saw it was Clay but as soon as I opened it and read it that calming sensation had disappeared.

*Clay- Hey something came up, I can't make it today. Sorry I'll talk to you soon*

Nervously twisting my necklace with my fingers I decided to text back straight away.

*Valery- Everything okay?*

But no reply, not even a quick text saying yes or no. I couldn't deal with him at the moment and I text Bella straight away.

*Valery- He ditched*

It was the only words I could really think about as I sent the message to Bella who automatically answered back straight away but I guess she was a girl and that's what we were good at.

*Bella- okay Babe, it's just you and me. We are going to the beach so put your swimmer on. I'll be there in 5.*

Was her response which I answer a quick okay and grab my bikini out of my draw and put them under my clothes. After getting a towel and some other materials I need for the beach I hear a honk which was obviously Bella. I quickly grab my beach bag and rush downstairs and out the door, my father was home but he didn't care anymore if I leave without telling him so I was off. I jump into Bella's car and she zooms off to start our perfect girly day at the beach.

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