Chapter 10

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*Clay's pov*

It's been a few days since the Wild Devils left town and it's been quiet good without my father around but at the same time it's been quiet lonely. Truth, I am used to it and usually I go to Chase's but I wasn't in the mood to have a girl pressed against me. I just couldn't get Valery out of my mind and it annoyed the fuck out of me. She is in every little corner of my mind, I haven't gone to pick her up from school or go to see her because it scared me that I had her in my head. I never have a girl stuck in my head and if I go see Valery I'm afraid she would permanently be stuck in there.

I sigh as I sit in my car, with a cigarette sitting between my fingers that were resting out my window as I wait for the high school bell to ring.

I didn't want to see her but I couldn't help yourself, not like I'm going to tell her that. I know my excuse is that I have a deal with my father, I just need her to fall in love with me. It can't be that hard right?

When the bell rings I watch as many people rush out of the doors, some walking home, some driving, some on there bikes, some catching the bus and then I see her. Of course she had to be last and she was standing next to that guy again, who the fuck was that? I didn't like him, I want to know who that was because if he ruins my deal I'm going to hurt him.

I step out of my car, quick to squish my cigarette between the gravel and my shoe as I start to walk over to her, determined to see her up close with that other guy. When her eyes lock onto mine her expression changes to confusion and panic, maybe even a little pissed off.

"Clay what are you doing here?" She says nervously looking at the guy next to her and then back to me.

"Well I'm here to pick you up babe" I wink, smirking at her was an enjoyment of mine.

"Val I'm going-" a very beautiful girl walks up to Valery but stops when she locks eyes with me. "Wow, you're clay! It's lovely to meet you, I'm Bella, Valery's best friend" she smiles as she stares me up and down.

"It's nice to meet you too" I smile quickly looking at Bella and then back to Valery. She has been talking about me with her friends, there I go smirking again at Valery.

"Um Valery, I'm guessing hottie over there is taking you home so I'm going with Scott. By the way you're right, he is so much hotter up close" Bella poorly whispers in Valery's ear but I pretend I can't hear them which is hard because all I want to do was smirk. Valery was blushing as she looks at me, don't smirk or smile Clay, you didn't hear a thing. She looks back at Bella and nods.

"Okay see you later you guys, Jordan are you coming with us?" She looks at the other guy who now I know is Jordan.

"Yeah just wait a minute" he said looking at me to Valery to Bella.

"O-Kay, we'll meet you in the car" Bella looks confused between us three and then walks towards her car.

"Let's go" I say to Valery who glares at me.

"I'll see you later Jordan" she smiles as she pulls him into a hug.

"Think about it yeah?" Jordan smirks as he winks at her and walks off without looking at me.

"He's a snob" I say as we walk to my car.

"Yeah so are you" she says and I stop and turn to look at her.

"So what do you have to think about?" I smirk as I turn and step into my car, Valery mirroring my actions as she gets in on the other side.

"That's none of your business" she says and I laugh as I start to drive out of the parking lot. 

"Oh come on babe" I chuckle but after she didn't reply within a few minutes I turned to look at her, she was looking out the window in silence probably in her own little world. I'd love to go there one day.

The rest of the drive was silent and as we reach Valery's house she climbs out and walks straight to her front door. I sigh as I turn the engine off and follow her to her front door.

"What are you doing?" She sighs as she opens up the door.

"Valery I know you're lonely, so I'm going to keep you company" I smile, no smirk, no wink, just a sweet smile.

"I don't want your company Clay, just go home" she says as she starts to close the front door in my face but I knew she was lying so I wedge my foot in and slip in the door. I wasn't going to take no for an answer because truthfully I was lonely myself.

She looks at me and sighs as she places her bag on the ground, "what do you want to do then?" She asks me and I shrug. I really couldn't care less what we did, I just hope it's nothing boring.

"Um what about smoking?" I chuckle and she hits my chest making me laugh more as she laughs too, when it dies off it becomes a little awkward.

"What about PlayStation?" She says and I nod my head straight away. Who says no to PlayStation?

We played for what felt like ten minutes when it actually was for two hours, Valery was actually better at playing then I actually though and it was tougher to beat her but I still managed to beat her ass.

"You're actually better than I thought" I smirk as I pull my phone out.

"Why thank you" she chuckles.

"Are you hungry?" I say and she nods. "I'll order some pizza" I say as I find the pizza shop website and order.

Once the pizza came we sat on the couch and looked though movies to watch as we ate.

"No click flicks please" I whinge as she chuckles.

"Oh I was on the track of a scary movie but if a click flick is what you want then-" she tries her hardest not to laugh as my eyes go wide.

"No! Scary is perfect" I say as I grab another slice of pizza as she chuckles.

After finally decided on 'Dark Skies' we turn the lights off and sit on the same couch which I wasn't sure if I liked or hated. Once the movie started I noticed that she was slightly shaking from the cold so I looked around the room and when I notice a blanket in the corner I get up and grab it, placing it over Valery's body and then sitting back down.

"Thanks" she mumbles which I nod back to.

As we watch the movie I start to notice the small movements of Valery, I notice how every time something scary happens she pulls the blanket up to cover most of her face and every time she does that I notice that she moves a little closer to me.

Oh Valery all you had to do was ask.

Once she was close enough I nervously slide my arm around her shoulders, pulling her a little closer to me. I smirk once I notice that she hadn't in fact moved away and for the rest of the movie I couldn't keep my eyes off of her as I watch her slowly and peacefully fall asleep in my arms.

When the movie finishes I start to feel uncomfortable and unsure what to do. Do I wake her up and tell her I'm going home or do I let her sleep and leave. I don't want to have to wake her, she looked so peaceful. I ever so carefully stand up, quickly slipping a pillow under her head to replace me and pull the blanket further up her body.

I smile as I turn and leave her house, making sure to lock it from the inside before climbing into my car and driving home.

Fuck! Maybe I should have left a note, you're an idiot Clay, a bloody idiot.

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