Chapter 34

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*Valery's pov*

"She was so flirting with Carson!" Sienna rolls her eyes. Sienna loves gossiping and bitching but what girl didn't sometimes right?

"Well he is single so why not? Why do you care so much?" Bella smirks trying to get the words "I like Carson" out of Sienna's mouth.

The three of us sit at a café right across from the beach, having a nice girly lunch which was something that was way overdue. We sat at the outside part at the café which was out the front so we could almost taste the salt from the ocean.

I sat there, barely listening to the two girls babble on about boys and other gossip going around campus.

"What do you think Valery? Am I right or am I right?" Bella smirks as she drags her eyes off Sienna and then to mine which changed her facial expressions as she noticed that I had something else on my mind right now.

"Um sorry, what are you right about?" I smile at the two worried faces.

"She thinks I'm jealous of the girls who make out with Carson" Sienna rolls her eyes, I notice she knew I didn't want to talk about my feelings and decided to continue the previous conversation. I was thankful for her because I knew Bella was about to ask questions.

"Oh you defiantly are, you and Carson are going to get together soon I know it." I falsely smile, giving her a little wink.

"Told you, just admit it you like him and he is defiantly into you" Bella laughs which sienna just groans, her cheeks going to a light pink.

"Whatever let's stop talking about Carson and I. Valery how did the date go last night?" Sienna looks at me curiously, Bella doing the same. I look up at them, my eyes wide. I was hoping they weren't going to bring it up.

"I-um-he-ugh-he told me-um" I had no idea how to tell them. I knew they would squeal in excitement but as soon as they hear what happen next they'll feel bad for squealing and have no idea what to say next.

"Come on Val, what's up?" Bella frowns, tilting her head a little to the side.

"He told me he loved me and I rejected him." I look down at the table as the girls sit there in silence, adsorbing the information.

"I just can't love him yet, I felt so bad. He wouldn't talk or look at me for the rest of the night. I don't know if I should go and talk to him or just let him cool off." I say looking back up at the girls.

"Defiantly go talk to him. Tell him you want to love him one day but it's too early" Bella said and I nod.

"I just can't get clay out of my mind" I sigh looking down again.

"I know sweetie but you need too, he's forgotten so you need to too. Look what he's done to you, would someone who loved you do that to you?" Bella said and I sign again.

"She's right Val. I don't even know him but he has broken my best friend and I hate him. Nate is the perfect guy for you Val, if anyone can fix you it's him." Sienna smiles, resting her hand over mine. I look up and smile at my two best friends.

"I'm going to go talk to him" I say and I quickly stand up but I sit back down when I realised I haven't touched any of my food. "Actually I'll go later" I say sitting back down.

"No go now! We will see you later" Sienna said grabbing my arm and pulling me up.

"Okay okay, I'll see you guys later" I smile to both of them as I rush out of the café and hop into my car driving straight to Nate's dorm.

I power walk all the way to Nate's door and once I get there I freeze in my spot. What if he had already moved on or he doesn't want to ever see me again. I shake my head and lightly knock on the door. God I hope Carson wasn't home so Nate and I could just be alone.

Everything went into slow motion as the door opens and there stands a shirtless, very tired looking Nate with wild bed hair. He looked adorable.

"Valery?" He said rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he leans on the door.

"Nate, I want to love you one day. I want to be madly and deeply in love with you and truely mean it when I say it. I know that I really really like you and soon I know I'll love you but I just can't right now. I need more time Nate, if you don't want to wait anymore then that's okay but I will keep trying because I don't like how I am right now. I just want to love again." I take a big breath, a few tears rolled down my cheeks as I watch Nate carefully.

"I'm willing to wait, I'll always wait for you Valery Hawkins because Im in love with you." Nate's eyes were glassy as he took his weight off the door and stood up right with his arms in front of him. Before I knew what I was doing I jump into his arms and wrap my arms tightly around his neck, his were wrapped around my waist as he pulls us back into his room, shutting the door behind us with his foot.

He moved one arm from around my waist and placed his hand on my cheek making me look up at him. I look up at him with a small smile on my lips as he rubs his thumb over my lips and then down to the side of my neck, pulling my face closer to his until our lips collided. I run my hands up from his neck into his hair and grab onto the routs as the kiss deepens. His one arm locks around my waist as his other hand guides my lips into the kiss.

I felt so loved, so special just by this one kiss. I felt like I was important to someone and they would do anything for me. This one kiss just proved how much he loved him.

"Want to stay and have a movie night?" Nate smiles looking down at me.

"Yeah I'd love that" I smile as we both fall onto the lounge still in each other's arms.

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