Chapter 11

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*Valery's pov*

Why did Clay leave like that last night? No call, no text, no note to say he's leaving, nothing. It sort of bugged me and made me a little embarrassed because I fell asleep in his arms. Why would I do that? He has no feelings for me and I think I don't either. I was tired, maybe that's all it was but I couldn't explain the butterflies that fluttered in my stomach every time I thought about what happened last night. We actually acted like friends.

I look back down at my assignment noticing I wasn't getting anywhere and decided to check my phone for the time. Twelve-thirty. I'll just make some lunch and then get back to it. My phone still in my hand, I walk down to the kitchen and decide to make a sandwich.

After I finish I decide to try to call my dad, he just might answer. I can't just stop trying. I press call and wait for the rings to start, after the fifth ring it went to message bank and after that I didn't bother trying again.

As I was heading back to my room to try the assignment again my phone rings, excited that it might be my dad I answer it without looking at the caller ID.

"Hey Val" it was Bella, I was a little disappointed but I didn't mind.

"Hey Bell what's up?" I ask her, maybe I should just give up on dad, he will call if he can.

"Well Scott and I are going to the movies tonight and want you to come!" She cheerfully says and I smile, god I love my best friend.

"If this is another blind date with Jordan, then no" I chuckle and she laughs loudly.

"No no, he's not coming. It's just us" she says and I think about it for a second. There was no way I was going to be lonely on a Saturday night.

"Yeah okay" I say and she squeals. I might be the third-wheel but I was still excited and it should be fun right?

"We will be there at six!" She says and after I agree, she hangs up. She was a overly excited person but I loved her for it.

After trying to do my assignment for a few more hours I check the time and see it's almost five-thirty.

Shit I better start getting ready!

As I finally choose to wear a denim skirt and a nice shirt, the front door bell rings. That can't be them already! After putting my skirt on, I rush down in my bra still trying to put my shirt on. I didn't care if Bell saw me in my bra. I quickly open the door with my shirt only half on.

"Sorry was just getting-" I stop when I look up to see Clay staring me up and down from the front door. I blush as I quickly put the rest of my shirt on.

"What are you doing here?" I say trying to cover my embarrassment, Clay walks  in and closes the door behind him. He was awfully close to me and I grew nervous almost straight away.

"To hang out, maybe another movie night" he shrugs and I couldn't help the butterflies in my stomach but then I shook my head and look at him sternly, I couldn't let him get away for last night.

"What so you can leave again?" I snap and he doesn't reply, doesn't even laugh like usually, he just stands there awkwardly looking at the ground like a naughty puppy.

"So where are you going?" He asks me and I look down at what I was wearing and then back to him.

"Movies with a friend" I say, "and her boyfriend" I mumble, I didn't want him to hear that part but I couldn't help apart of myself that wanted him to hear it.

"I'll go with you" he says and I snap my head to look at him, my eyes widen for a spilt second and then back to my normal expression.

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