Chapter 4

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*Clay's pov*

I groan as I wake up noticing my arm resting over a very thin waist, I snap my eyes open seeing a naked tanned, sleeping girl with long brown hair. I knew who she was, we had slept together many times. You know, when we both needed it and were bored. I swung my legs out of the bed and stood up, not caring to wake her up in the process. I put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and go to leave the room when she groans a little.

"Don't leave, come cuddle a little more." Rebecca whispered, her eyes still closed.

"You know I don't do that, actually would you leave now. I need to go out." I say leaving the room before she would start complaining.

I walk into the kitchen and again, it's another quiet Friday morning as Max had already left for there weekend ride and I was stuck here. I hated my father for that, why can't be just stop being so selfish and take me with him? His only excuse was that I was annoying and he needed a break from me, yeah well guess what that's not a good enough excuse.

I started making myself a coffee as Rebecca walked down the stairs with her clothes on and her hair looking messy.

"You made me a coffee?" She smiled and I almost laughed in her face, why the fuck do I still sleep with girls like this? That's why Meagan was my favourite one to sleep with, she loved it wild and knew exactly how to treat me the next morning.

"No"I chuckle as I watch her frown. After that shitty night at new gang member James house I decided to call her over which was a huge mistake because for some reason she thinks that one day I'm going to love her but that's never gonna happen so she really should give up.

"Can I at least have a water?" She asked and I nod, pointing to the fridge. She literally groaned and stomped her to the fridge like a child.

"Did you want me to drive you home as your on the way?" I ask her and her smile widens.

"Yeah that would be wonderful" she smiled and I mentally groaned wishing she had said no.

"Okay let's head off " I said as I grabbed my keys and phone and headed to the front door.

I jump into my RangeRover and drive towards Rebecca's house. As soon as the car started, she had decided to touch my radio and change it to her gay pop bullshit.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I glare at her as I watch her let go of the button and look up at me.

"What?" She said innocently and it just fucking annoyed me more.

"Change it back, this is my car" I snap and her eyes widened as she quickly changed it back with a shaky hand.

I sighed in relief when we finally were parked in front of Rebecca's house. She looked unsure of what to do as she kept looking towards her house and then to me. Was she expecting me to kiss her goodbye and how much fun I had? Yeah that's not happening.

"Thanks for the ride" she said as she grabbed her bag closer to herself and hoped out of the car.

As soon as she shut the door I sped off towards Chases house. Chase was my best friend, I had to admit I have had closer friends in the past but Chase was and has always been there for me and sometimes I feel bad cause I don't do the same to him. Frankly everyone just annoys me, especially that bloody Vally, no Valery girl. She's grumpy and bloody boring but there's something with her that just makes want to know her better. Fuck off clay, what are you talking about?

"Clay! Fucking perfect timing, look who showed up!" Tyson, who was another guy from my group, came to the door and pulled me into a man hug that I really didn't like doing. I follow him to see Chase and Isaac getting lap dances by two very sexy girls, there were another three girls in the kitchen and drugs were sitting all spread out on the table.

"Clay you came!" Chase chuckled from the couch, his eyes not leaving either her ass or breasts.

"Come join bro" Isaac cheered as he took another inhale of the joint that was sitting between his fingers.

I sit down on the couch and immediately a girl was rubbing herself all over my body.

This was so much better than last night with Rebecca, I don't know why I keep going back to her. Maybe it's cause she looks shy but she's wild in bed? I don't know but hell, she's annoying in the morning.

"Where were you last night bro?" Chase said looking at me and I groaned, I wasn't into telling them my life story.

"Just went to a new member's house for dinner" I shrug.

"He have any hot daughters?" Isaac winks and I wanted to slap him. Why though, he didn't say anything bad?

"He has a daughter, Valery but I don't know if you could call her hot. She's a boring and a goodie" I say and they both chuckle at me.

"Here" Tyson said passing me a joint before joining me on the lounge. I mumble a thanks as I lean back on the lounge as the girl still works on my lap.

"Goodie Valery aye? She must actually attend college." Isaac chuckled and I balled my fists tightly in anger.

"Isaac" Chase mumbled but issac just shrugged.

"Actually she's in high school" I say through my gritted teeth.

"Oh a young goodie" isaac winked as he started making gestures of sucking someone's dick.

"You wouldn't know" I growl and he laughs and shrugs.

"College isn't that bad you know" Chase says looking at the ground, probably to pussy to look me in the eyes.

"Yeah well I never wanted to go so drop it." I growl and he sighs.

"Look, Max paid for it so you should just come and attend a few classes. It really isn't that bad especially with all those hot girls around." Tyson winked at the other boys and both chuckled.

"I'm not going so fuck off" I growl as I push the girl off my lap and stand up, rushing to the door.

"Come on bro, we're sorry. Just come sit back down!" Chase yelled out after me but I was way to angry. I slammed the door behind me and jogged to my car.

I hated my father! He purposely put me in college so he could go off riding and leave me sitting at home studying! He knew that's not what I wanted to do, I knew I hated school and didn't want to go to college but he did it anyways. Just to fuck with me. He's a fucking selfish prick!

My phone started ringing and when I look at the caller ID I almost laugh. Speak of the devil.

"What dad?" I say trying to not sound so angry.

"Clay, I got a mission for you." He said and I groan. If it's a drug deal I'm saying no, whatever it is I'm defiantly saying no. Fuck him!

"Whatever it is it's a no" I snap and he chuckles bitterly which makes me want to punch him in the face.

"Oh I don't think so, James just told me to tell you to look after his Daughter while he's away." I would literally hear the smirk in his tone. My father was more filthy then me and I can't even imagine what he wants me to do with her.

"I'm not going after that boring bitch" I groan and I would almost hear Max growl.

"Clay, you know what you have to do. We need this guy." He pleaded in a very forced way.

"Okay okay" I give up, she'll be fun to muck around with. I loved seeing her annoyed, brings me pleasure.

"Good" was all my father said before he hung up.

"Prick!" I yelled into the phone as I start my car and drive off.

I guess this weekend won't be as boring as I thought it would be.

I smirk at all the ways I would annoy this Valery girl tomorrow. This is gonna be fun.

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