Chapter 6

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* Clay's pov*

Usually on a Saturday morning I have a female sleeping next to me, most of the time it was Meagan but this morning I didn't which felt weird. I hated having them stay the night but I didn't want them walking around the streets alone at night, not like I'd ever admit that to them though.

I sit in my car which was parked in front of the bar wondering if I should go in and quickly start my day or keep thinking of something else to do. I watch a girl walk in the bar with the same colour hair as....and then it snapped, Valery. I did tell her I was gonna see her today. Instead of following the random girl inside to flirt, I start the car up and drive to Valery's house.

When I knock on the door, almost immediately Valery opens it with her pjs still on and her hair messed. First she looked confused and then she looked annoyed.

"What are you doing here?" She says sternly but at the same time trying to fix her hair a little.

"Do you need to make any errands today?" I ask leaning against the door frame. A sudden groan comes out of her mouth as she opens the door wider, letting me in.

"Just let me get ready" she says as she jogs up the stairs and down the hallway. I sit down on the couch in the lounge room and look at Facebook on my phone while I wait. I fucking hope her stupid errands aren't boring.

"Okay let's go" she says rushing to the door ready to lock it after I exit. We both jump into my car and I start the engine.

"Where we off to first?" I ask her already full of boredom.

"I need to go to the library to get some books for my English assignment." She lightly smiles at me quickly and then looks back at the road.

"The fucking library?" I ask her, hoping she was joking.

"You're the one who offered but if it's to nerdy I'll-" she starts to open the car door to jump out.

"No no, first stop, the library" I said as I started driving, her house becoming further and further away.

"How much longer are we going to stay in here?" I groan following her down each and every isle.

"I'm just trying to find- ha found it" she smiled widely as she pulled it out with two of her fingers and stacked it in my arms which I offered to carry along with all the other book. If I knew she was going to get fifty books I wouldn't of offered.

"Done?" I say and she nods.

"Yes" she chuckles as she grabs all the books out of my hands and power walks to the desk.

"Oh Valery! I was wondering when I would see you next" the librarian says with a wide smile.

"Yeah sorry Julie, it has been a while" Valery smiled politely at the older woman as I sat stood there.

"You'd think your boyfriend there would hold all your books for you" Julie looks at me with a smile but also a little bit of a disappointment face. Like I give a shit.

"Actually he's not-" Valery starts to chuckle nervous but I butted in.

"Well I was but she just loves holding them I don't know why. I love my little book nerd." I chuckle as I wrap an arm around Valery's shoulder, almost immediately I felt her stiffen under my touch.

"Well isn't he cute" Julie looks straight past me to Valery who just shyly smiled as Julie scans the books. Once she was finished I grab the books and we were out of there. Thank god.

"What was that?" She said as walks out of the building and towards the car.

"What was what?" I say and she gives me a look to say 'are you stupid?'

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