Chapter 54

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*Valery's pov*

I roll over expecting to feel a hard chest but I only feel the softness of my pillow. I flutter my eyes open confused as I look around my room searching for the boy who stayed with me last night and why I am now laying in my bed instead of the couch where I had fallen asleep.

I don't know why I feel shocked he left, that's what he always does. Maybe I'm just shocked at myself for not expecting him to leave.

I shake my head as I jump out of my bed, stepping out of my room in search for Clay who I was deeply hoping was just cooking me breakfast or something sweet like that.

But of course he wasn't. It's Clay we are talking about here.

"After you have a boy sleep over aren't you supposed to look happy not missable?" I hear Sienna chuckle behind me on the couch.

"Does it look like he slept over?" I say, okay maybe I hissed it but I didn't mean to.

"Woah Val." Her eyes a little wide as she puts her hands up in defence.

"Sorry" I shake my head heading closer to the kitchen to make myself some coffee. Like Ive said before, I need coffee to at least smile.

The silence was starting to become overwhelming as the kettle starts to boil.

"He left early this morning. He carried you to your room late last night and he slept on the couch." Sienna says and I quickly flick my eyes up to look at her but I didn't say anything.

"What were you guys doing last night anyways?" She asks as I finish up making my coffee.

"We just watched a movie" I shrug leaving out the part where I literally broke down in front of him. She gives me a nod but doesn't say a word.

"So where were you all last night?" I say acting like I was disappointed she wasn't here. Well I was a little disappointed but it would of been horrible if she was here to witnessed my breakdown.

"Sorry Val, but this girl had a date to attend" she smirks as she points to herself.

"Was it with the guy you were talking about at the ice cream shack with Bella and I?" I say getting excited to hear the juicy details as I sit on the couch next to her.

"Yes. He is so so sweet Val! I really want you and Bel to meet him, you guys would love him" she says her eyes sparkling as she talks about her guy.

Gosh I'm so happy for her, she looks so happy.

"He sounds amazing Sienna, I'm so happy for you. What did you guys do last night?" I smile widely watching her basically bounce in her seat in excitement.

"Well he took me to this restaurant right on the beach, I've never been there before but it was really nice and then he took me to the ice cream shack." She smiles as she talks about her date.

"That sounds like a perfect date" I say and she nods continuously, her smile wide.

"It definitely was" She says dreamily.

We both stare at each other with wide smiles on our face. If anyone walked in right now they would think we have gone crazy. My phone starts ringing, bringing us both out of our......I'm not even sure what to call it.

"Hey Val! Is Sienna with you?" Bella says through the phone with exciting laced in her voice.

"Hey Bella and yeah she is, why?" I say giving Sienna a confused look as she returns the same look.

"Okay great! Meet us at the shops in ten minutes!" She shouts into the phone.

"Who's us?" I say as Sienna rolls her eyes as she probably heard what Bella just instructed us to do.

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