Chaper 56

25 1 0

*Valery's pov*

I basically failed that exam. Last night I tried studying all night but all I could think about was Clay and why he wanted to talk to me about Jordan. His voice was laced in panic, it forced me to start panicking. Which then caused me to become distracted and couldn't focus, leading me to fail my exam.

After the exam I walked to the campus library and studied for the rest of the afternoon. I couldn't fail another exam like that.

I close my textbook agreeing with myself that I've been studying enough for today. I pick up my phone to check the time, my eyes widen when I see it was almost seven o'clock. Gosh I've been here for a while now.

I pack up and leave the now empty library and jump into Siennas car. I'm so glad she let me use it today or my walk would of been a long annoying walk.

I put the blinker on to turn the corner towards the dorms building. The exam was important but not that important for me to be stressing like this. I'm not really sure why I felt like this but I don't really feel like going up to my dorm right now. Sienna is in there, Clay will be there soon. To be honest I don't really feel like talking to anyone right now. I guess I'm in one of those weird girl moods.

I just wanted to be alone and this was the only way I be alone now.

I quickly stop the blinker and keep driving forward.

I decide to just go for a therapeutic drive around town. I turn the music on the radio down to zero and put the windows down. The sound of traffic and wind are the only things flying threw my eardrums and it sends a peaceful vibe around me.

I drive along the beach, glancing at the wharf. I wish Clay didn't ruin that place for me, I know soon I'll get over it and I'll be able to go back and not think of him but it's still too early for that right now. I look down at the point of the wharf as the memories of Clay leaning closer and kissing me blur my vision.

I have to admit it, the kiss was amazing. I really did miss his lips but it was so wrong. I could never tell him that I enjoyed that kiss because it would make me look like a horrible person.

I smile as I watch the sun sinking lower below the horizon. It was such a beautiful view, I would never get sick of it.

I don't know how long I was parked there watching the waves roll up to the shore but as I look down at the time I notice it was almost eight o'clock so I decide to start heading back to the dorms before anyone starts to worry about me.

I start to take in my surrounds as I drive home. The colours of the very few cars driving past me in the other direction, the sunset waving goodbye for the day with its small rays of light. It was just a beautiful atmosphere. As I glance in my review mirror I notice the same black car has been following me for quiet a while now.

They are probably just going to the same place right? I continue driving normally making sure to keep checking my mirror but they were still there.

I decide to turn down a quiet street, knowing it was a dead end. It was a test to see if they is following me. Crazy I know but I wasn't in any rush to get home anyways.

I blink twice once I notice they turned down the street as well. As I turn around at the dead end I make sure to act like I had no idea what this person was doing.

Maybe they just so happen to live on this street.

They stop on the side of the road at the dead end. Like they were watching me.

I push my foot harder on the accelerator to get away from them.

Okay Valery just drive quickly back to the dorms and power walk up to your dorm. Sienna will be there and you'll be safe.

Ride awayOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant