Chapter 15

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*Valery's pov*

He stayed, he actually stayed. I smile as I sit up on the couch and look down at him lying uncomfortably on the ground.

I silently get up and make a cup of tea. As I start to pour the hot water in the cup I hear someone walk in the kitchen which made me smile.

"You have school today" Clay says and I nod taking a carful sip of my hot tea. "I'll drive you" he says smiling at me as he tries to fix his hair.

"Thanks" I say as I put my tea down and rush upstairs to change and ready for school. After texting Bella that I didn't need a lift, I walk back down to the kitchen where Clay was standing on his phone.

"You ready?" He simply says which I nod to. "Let's go then" he says grabbing his keys as we exit the house and jump into his car.

We talk a little bit in the car but nothing like I expected, I had hopped we would have a whole conversation.

As we enter the school gates I could already feel the eyes on me.

"Have a good day" Clay smirks as I jump out of his car with my bag on my back.

"Thanks for everything Clay" I smile which he nods to as he drives off.

The stares didn't stop after that, they continued all day. A few times through the day I walk past Jordan and he didn't look me in the eye once, he was pretty beaten up but for some reason i didn't feel the smallest bit sorry for him. I knew Clay wouldn't bash him for no reason but I want to know what Jordan said. I should just ask Jordan right seeing I've been friends with him longer then Clay but I just couldn't get that tone in Clays voice out of my head, whatever Jordan said set Clay off and I just wasn't up to asking Jordan.

After lunch time I had basically heard every rumour going around, some were partly true, some were totally fake and some I wasn't quiet sure about.

There were rumours saying things like the guy who beat up Jordan is a college guy who is dating me. Another one was that Jordan was trying to protect from from Clay who was being aggressive towards me. Another was Jordan was saying things that set Clay off. But my favourite one was that everything thinks I'm dating the hottest college guy, even though he doesn't even go to college he's still known there.

"You're a fucking prick you know that! Fuck I can't believe you!" I hear Scott's voice as I walk towards the exit of the school. It was finally time to go home and see my dad.

"Oh come on, don't act like you didn't know" I hear Jordan dryly laugh. I stop in my track and lean against the wall.

"No I didn't know my best friend was such a fucking pig." Scott snaps at Jordan, I slowly look over around the corner, only my face visible to them.

"Scott as if you believed I actually liked Valery! It was just all a set up! I need to beat them" Jordan snickers as I grew sick at the stomach.

"Beat who? Boys at our school? What do you think you're going to achieve by taking her virginity? More girls?" Scott snaps and I gasp feeling tears run down my cheeks, leaning my head against the wall.

"I like to win Scott and I'm going to win this" Jordan says and Scott laughs dryly, I shake a like at Jordan's comment.

"You're so fucking sick, your not going to win this." Scott spat in Jordan's face and then rushes off, I quickly turn and rush outside of the school and once I notice that Clay's car wasn't there I walk home, I need to be alone right now.

I couldn't get Jordan's words out of my head, I just couldn't believe what he said. I try to wipe the tears away as I finally arrive home. Once I notice a few motorbikes in front of my house I quickly bolt inside, my dad was finally home.

I rush into the house but suddenly stop in my tracks when I see my father and two other men in the lounge room. I try not to gasp so loudly at how different my father looks.

"We are finished now, I'll take it all tonight" my dad mumbles to the two men as they all stand up and my dad ushers them to the front door.

I almost cringe as I watch my dad walk back into the room, the first thing I notice is the leather jacket that had the words 'Wild Devils' over the back of it. I then noticed the piecing in his ear and as I watch him take off his jacket I notice a tattoo on his arm. A fucking piecing and tattoo, who is this man?

"Nice tattoo" I say as I watch my dad take a seat on the couch.

"Thanks, it's the Gangs symbol" my father says without a smile on his lips.

"So how was your ride?" I ask him as I take a seat next to him, interested on hearing his adventure.

"I wish I was still on it, it was incredible. How was your week?" He says looking at me shortly then back to the tv.

"Well" I smirk as he turns his body and eyes a little to me to show his interest. I quickly rush to the kitchen, grab the letter and bring it to dad.

"Wow, congratulations Valery. You really deserve it." He smiles, it was close to a proud father smile.

"Thanks" I smile widely as he stands up and puts his jacket back on. He literally just took it off two minutes ago.

"Where are you going?" I frown up at him, standing up next to him.

"Ah I'm going to the bar to meet the boys. Don't wait up" he says as he turns and awkwardly hugs me and then leaves the house.

I inhale and exhale a few times so the tears wouldn't fall down my face, I was stronger than this. I don't cry.

How did I loose my father so quickly and why was that hug awkward?

I run up to my room and slam the door behind me. All I want was to not be alone but here I was, alone. I feel the tears one by one slide down my cheeks as I lie down on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I reach for my phone and before I know it I had texted a message to Clay.

*Valery- Could you please come over.*

But as hard as I try I just couldn't send the message, my finger floats over the send button but I couldn't sent it. I quickly delete the message and chuck my phone to the end of my bed.

Soon I fall asleep with dry tears and puffy cheeks.

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