Chapter 9

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*Valery's pov*

After school had finally finished and Bella drove me home, I walk to my room and shut the door, lying down on my bed and staring up at the ceiling.

Who was that man that I call my father?

Sunday night I waited up until midnight for my father to get home but soon I fell asleep, the next morning while I was getting ready for school and becoming more worried, he finally arrived and told me he stayed at a friends house. I left for school pretty much after he arrived and told me his excuse. Last night we stayed up talking until around midnight about his ride and his excuse as why he didn't call me at all which still hurt me. We talked about everything expect the one thing I wanted to talk about the most, his new clothing. This morning we didn't really see each other as he had already left for work but tonight which was Tuesday we watched TV together and joked about things that were stupid on the show.

It was weird seeing what my dad wears everyday now, the common black everything, even the jacket. My dad was one who wore socks that came up to his calves and polo shirts that got tucked into his shorts. That was his casual clothes, for work he would wear more proper clothes with a tie. Now all he wears is black, sort of scary if you ask me.

I should be happy that he's finally found something he loves, and he might of lost his own fashion but I'm just happy he hasn't lost his humour because that would be painful.

"Jesus you came in here quickly" Bella laughed as she sat on my bed, I didn't respond. I wasn't going to complain and tell her I had a lot on my mind even though I should because she's my best friend and we tell each other everything that's on our mind.

"I don't feel like doing homework today" I sigh and she laughs as she jumps around on my bed a little.

"No one does but we need to, come let's do this." She said and I sigh, sitting up and joining her.

An hour into actually doing our homework I hear my dad arrive home, usually I would rush down and say hello but I was so mentally confused at the moment.

"Hey Val, you home?" My dad yells from the hallway, probably to afraid to open my door to see if I was here or not.

"Yeah I'm in my room" I shout back as Bell and I stop doing our homework and look up at the door.

"Val- oh hi Bella" my dad stops in his traces.

"Hey James" she smiles back to him.

"You feel a lot better?" He asks her and she nods looking a little confused seeing she was sick a while back now.

"Yeah thanks" she smiled politely and then went back to her work.

"Yeah dad?" I ask him waiting for what he wanted to tell me in the first place.

"Um so I've got a ride coming up" my dad says sort of nervously, like he was asking for my permission and hope I say yes.

"Yeah?" I say feeling nervous too, If that's what he came back looking on the first ride, what the hell is be going to be like after the second one. I felt scared feeling my dad might be a complete stranger once he comes back.

"It's a week long ride this time and I'm leaving tonight" he said and I stare wide eyed at him.

"But you just came back from your last ride two days ago!" I say feeling panicked, I don't want to be lonely again or be with Clay. I don't want to see him anymore.

"I know Val, I'm sorry" he sighs as I felt tears wanting to spill out of my eyes but I blinked them away. I wasn't going to cry, no way were my best friend and dad watching me cry.

"It's fine, have fun" I give him my best fake smile as he walks over to me and presses his lips on my forehead, smiling slightly he turns and walks out.

Bella and I go back to our homework in complete silence, she didn't say anything and I didn't want her too.

Ten minutes later my dad reopens the door with a nervous, sad smile on his lips.

"Okay I'm leaving now, Clay will be coming around to see how you're going a few of the days" he said and I nod.

"I'm a big girl dad" I sigh and he nods but I know he didn't agree.

"Okay I love you" he smiled as he starts walking out.

"Love you too dad" I said back as he shuts the door and as soon as I hear his motorbike roar to life and leave I groan and flop back on my bed.

"Wow" Bella said and I groan, rolling over to face her.

"Tell me about it" I groan resting my head in my hands.

"What's wrong Val?" She sighs and I close my eyes.

"Everything, my father, Clay" I say reopening them and this time Bell was smiling widely.

"You like Clay!" She laughs and I glare at her.

"No I don't! He annoys and hurts me. The most annoying thing about him is I can't get him out of me head! I hate it, he's in every corner" I shout a little as I complain about a very attractive guy.

"Oh you love it, come on Val! he can be your fuck buddy!" This time Bell was almost crying from laughter.

"Shut up" I snap/ groan as I get up. "No more homework, let's watch a movie" I say putting all my books away.

"Your changing the subject" she chuckles and I glare at her.

"Love, Rosie?" I say with the movie sitting in my hands, ignoring her last statement.

"Of course" she smirks as I put the movie on and joining her on the bed.

I loved this film but as I watched it I kept getting side tracked and started thinking about Clay. Why? I don't like him and he hates me, why can't I get him out of my head? Is it bad that I miss him because I think I'm starting too.

Once the movie finished Bell packed up all her stuff and I walk her to the front door.

"We need to stop watching movies and study, we are in year twelve now." She groaned as she gave me a hug.

"I know I know" I say with a smile.

"Are you going to be fine here alone?" Her eyebrows move to a worried expression.

"Yeah I'll be fine, I'll see you tomorrow at school" i smile as she exits the house and walks towards her car.

"Yeah see you at school" she shouts a little as she jumps into her car and drives off.

I sigh as I walk back into my quiet, lonely, lifeless house and walk into the kitchen to make some dinner for one. After looking for something to eat I decided that I wasn't hungry and went to bed, I hate being alone in a whole house. In this sort of situation I wish I had a boyfriend but at the same time I don't. As I lye in bed staring at the ceiling my mind was concentrated on the one boy who never leaves my mind, Clay and his tattoos.

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