Chapter 42

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* Valery's pov*

"Jesus Valery are you okay?" Sienna quietly says as she drops onto the couch next to me.

"I-I" I couldn't think of what to say and then I just let everything out. Tears ran down my cheeks heavily as I pull my knees up to my chest, burying my face in between so Sienna wouldn't see through me too much.

"Naw Val, shhh it's going to be okay." Sienna wraps her arms around me trying to comfort me but I just need to be left along right now.

"Should I call Bella over?" She asks me unsure whether to or not.

"No! I-just please don't. I think I'm just going to go for a walk." I say as I politely pull myself out of her arms and slide my shoes on, exiting the dorm in silence.

I don't bother getting in my car, deciding to walk instead to a spot I've come very comfortable with. I pull my jacket around me tighter as I look at my feet while walking, not wanting to make any eye contact with anyone but hoping I didn't run into anyone.

I follow the path walking further away from the campus and closer to the beach. I find the beach to be my thinking place, I'd never lived near the beach nor did I ever really find the time to go but now that I live ten minutes away from it I started to come here more and started to notice how much I love coming here alone to think.

I walk down the small path to the beach, it was late afternoon now and the sunset was sitting perfectly on the water. I notice a couple of people walk by as I follow the shore line towards a wooden wharf which looked pretty old but it was still stable.

As I jump up on the wharf and start walking towards the end where I could dangle my feet over the edge, I realise no one was around. It was just me, the ocean and the sea salt breeze.

I feel at peace as I watch the sun slowly lower behind the water. The breeze nips at my skin and I try wrapping my jumper around my body even tighter but I could see feel the cold on my legs seeing I was only wearing shorts.

I close my eyes listening to the wind and the sound of the waves crash right on the shore beside the wharf.

My eyes still closed I could see the beautiful green colour of Clays eyes, the ones that I fell in love with and apparently loved me right back. They were staring right into mine, I feel as if I have been caught cheating or something. His eyes wandering over to Nate and then down at our hands, the look of regret cover his glance for a quick second before going back to his harsh stare.

The picture in my memory flash to the evil look in Nates eyes. Ive never experienced that look before, it was so unlike Nate. I actually had to double look him to make sure it was him. Clay has had that same aggressive look before but when Nate had that look I actually felt scared. It was a weird feeling, to feel scared by someone who was apparently trying to protect me when really all he was doing was showing me his real colours.

Clay could see it, he could see that I was scared of Nate and that I had never seen that side of him so he tried to piss him off more. It was a typical Clay move, trying to piss everyone off but at the same time I was happy Clay pushed him. I would of hated to one day marry Nate and then see that evil look.

I couldn't get those harsh brown eyes out of my head now. They were so dark that I felt lost in them, not a romantic lost. An afraid lost. I knew it was just Nate trying to look tough and to protect me but was it? Was it one hundred percent just that?

I also know that Nate hates Clay because I can't love him without fully letting go of Clay. And now that Clay is back I don't think I'm ever going to let go. I still feel that flutter in my stomach when I imagine his crystal green eyes or when his eyes are on me and nothing else.

I couldn't just forgive Clay, I was too broken and emotional for that. I was angry at Clay for showing up here, why did he have to come here now? I felt like I was finally moving on but now I was back to step one. Especially now that I knew Clay apparently loves me. I don't one hundred percent know but why would he say it in his dreams if he didn't?

My eyes snap open when I feel a drop of water on my bare leg. I look up at the sky, watching the rain start to come down faster and faster. I couldn't move, I feel as if my mind has gone blank and I've finally been set free. As soon as it starts pouring and the sound of thunder was heard I quickly jump up and run down the wharf, making sure my hoodie stays over my head.

The rain starts to die down by the time I walk off the beach and back on the footpath. I didn't bother to run around to find shelter like everyone else was around me, I just keep my head down and walk down the path.

I was already drenched so what was the point of trying to hind under shelter to keep dry?

I watch my feet as I carry myself back to the dorm hoping Sienna hasn't told Bella or that Sienna was waiting for me. I know it was getting dark now and she would be getting worried but right now that's not something I was thinking about nor cared about.

I notice a pair of feet walk straight in front of me and before I could move away I bump right into there chest. The heat coming off the body gives me sudden warmth. I quickly push away and look up at the person I bumped into too. I notice that they have a hoodie on as well and was probably doing the same thing I was doing, watching my feet as I walked.

"Sorry" I say waiting for them to look up at me and when they did and I gasp. Why is he everywhere?!

"Valery" he looks worried as I start to back away, pulling my jacket around me more to keep me warm.

"No, go away." I say about to run but he grabs me around me waist and pulls me into his warm chest.

"You're freezing Valery, you're going to get a cold. Come on." He says as he drags my cold body in his arms to the closest shelter which happens to be a small café. I didn't try to push away from him or yell at him, I just let him hold my hand and drag me out of the rain.

Just the warmth from his hand had suddenly made me warm throughout my whole body. How can one man be so warm when it's raining and cold outside?!

"Sit here, I'll go get you a hot chocolate." He watches me seeing if I will talk or run away but I don't. I just stare out in the distance as I watch him in the corner of my eye walking off to order.

Why did I suddenly become a zombie as soon as his warmth hit my skin? Snap out of it Valery.

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