Chapter 16

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*Clay's pov*

"All the kids are going so you're coming too and miss Hawkins will be there." My father smirks which makes me angry, I want to slap that smirk off his face.

"I'm not a kid anymore but I did want to see the gang so I'll come" I say, That was a lie, I hate the gang members. I'm only going for Valery, she's going to need me, those men are disgusting.

It had been a week since the Wild Devils have been home and I haven't seen Valery at all, I like to give her time with her father when he is here. There were so many times I went to text her but didn't and I should have because I miss her. The gang was off soon for there special ride that they do once a year. It goes on for three months and they go across states so I'll get Valery to myself then. I wonder if she knows about that ride yet? I'll let her dad tell her.

Before this 'special long ride' they always have a bring the kids to the pub lunch. It's pathetic really, most of us were all grown up but to be honest most were as fucked as there parents and still lived with them so they just come for the drinks.

Max and I drive separately, he rides his motorbike and I drive my car. We basically got there at the same time though and walk in together to see all of the gang already there sitting around a table as the kids all sit seperate at a different table. My eyes focus on a beautiful girl sitting in the corner near the window, the sun hitting her face as she stares out in her own little Valery world.

"Ah Clay, haven't seen you around here for agers!" One of the gang members says with a beer in his hand.

"Yeah where have you been?" Another says, his gold tooth shining in the sunlight coming from one of the windows.

"You getting around with girls probably aye" another chuckles, his bad breath hitting my face like a truck.

"Yeah I'd bang that hottie in the corner" another smirks who was around forty-five. I knew he was talking about Valery which made my temper rise, my fists clench.

I glare at James to see if he was actually going to say something about that guy taking about his daughter like that but all James did was shrug. I stared at him in disgust which he quickly look away from and focus on his beer.

"No one is going to go near her, she's mine." I snap, I didn't care what they thought. They better fuck off away from her.

"Yeah boys don't even try, she's all his" Max smirks looking up at me from his chair in pride which disgusts me.

It's good he said that though because the boys will actually listen to my dad because if they don't they will probably get bashed or shot.

Without another word I leave the bunch of pigs and walk over to Valery in the corner. I grab a chair and drag it in front of her for me to sit on.

I stare at her waiting for her to notice I was there but she just stares outside with sadness covering her eyes.

"Valery, are you okay?" I carefully say, she flinches a little and then looks at me, the sadness deepens in her eyes.

"My dad doesn't even care anymore" she whispers and I frown, this hurt me seeing her like this. I want to tell her how she was wrong but she wasn't, it was true what she said. I start to feel guilt crawl into my stomach, I helped get James into the gang, I knew this would happen to him.

"Let's go home" I softly say as she nods, I stand up and help her up and start to leave the bar. A few smirks were given to me as we leave the building, I fucking hate those men.

Valery was completely silent in the car, she didn't say a word but I knew she wants too.

"He has a tattoo and a bloody piecing! A piecing what the heck" she whispers but I knew she was holding back. She was easy to read. She wants to yell and ramble on about everything she hates about her dad but she holds back. I want her to yell and scream, it always helps but if she wasn't comfortable then I wasn't going to say anything.

"Hey! What's wrong with a piecing?" I look at her with a fake hurt face which makes her quickly look at me in shock, scared that she might have hurt my feelings. Once she notices that in fact I was joking she starts smiling. I hadn't seen that smile all day, I was beautiful.

As I park my car in front of my house I watch as her smile falls into a frown and then falls even deeper as she starts crying. First it was softly and soon she was breathing for air she was crying that much, by that time I rush over to her side of the car and slide my arms under her to carry her inside. Her fists hold into my shirt like she never wants me to let go of her while her face hides in my chest in embarrassment.

Once we were inside and in my room, I lay her onto my bed and crawl up beside her not knowing what to do. I watch as she snuggles closer to my chest, I instantly wrap my arms around her bringing her closer as she cries.

"I know about Jordan, Clay" Valery says and i sigh, dropping my head a little. "Why couldn't you just tell me! What would have happened if I wasn't there to overhear Jordan and Scott's conversation? What if I found out after he already did it? Why Clay?" Valery says looking embarrassed about this Game Jordan is playing.

"I didn't want to hurt you, he's an ass and you should stay away from him that's all you needed to know" I say and She shakes her head.

"No I did need to know because I would have never expected this." Valery says.

"I'm sorry but he's so wrong because he was never going to get you. It was obvious you didn't like him." I say and she stays quiet. I knew she hates how i could read her so well.

Soon she had calmed down and we sit there in silence but it wasn't an awkward silence, it was just a perfect one.

"You have a nice room" she slowly smile as she looks around my room, still sitting in my arms. I mumble a thanks as we lock eyes and stare at each other for a while.

"God you're beautiful" I whisper as I stare deeper into her eyes, noticing how red and puffy her eyes and cheeks were. Silence still covering the air.

"I really want to kiss you right now" I say as I stare at her perfectly shaped lips waiting for her response but there wasn't any. I notice her lips were soon coming closer to mine and before I knew it her lips were on mine.

As every second went by the kiss became stronger like we had been starving for so long and we now finally got a feed.

At first the kiss was soft and delicate but soon I was on top of her with my hands on each side of her to keep myself up. Her soft hands run through my hair as she opens her fairy-floss lips a little and I slip my tongue in her mouth. When I finally notice that this kiss was turning into a make-out way to fast I lighten the kiss and then pull away, lying next to Valery both catching our breathes. I wrap an arm around her, pulling her closer as I kiss her forehead.

"What's the time?" She asks me quietly after a few perfect minutes of silence.

"It's two o'clock" I say and she gasps sitting up quickly.

"Shit I have work!" She says fixing her makeup quickly in the mirror.

She had a job? It must be new, God I hate that I didn't even know a thing about her.

"I'll drive you, come on" I say as we both walk out of the house and jump into my car.

She gives me directions the whole drive and when we finally reach our destination she quickly jumps out of the car.

"Thanks" she smiles as she quickly rushes inside of small corner Café.

Now I couldn't get her lips out of my head, I had never felt like that before while kissing a girl. She was defiantly something different, something perfect. Those lips stay on my mind for the rest of the day.

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