Prologue- Photo finish

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The Occult attempts to summon a demon.


They do not succeed.

"It didn't work, again." Oka sighed. "I was sure we did the ritual right this time." She pushed her dark messy hair out of her face to look at her second in command. "Shin?"

He smiled to reassure her, putting a hand on her shoulder. "We'll get it right next time. I'm sure of it."

She smiled back. "R-really? You think so?"

"Of course. Summoning a demon can't be that hard. Maybe we just did something wrong today."

Supana Churu wiped her forehead. "Ugh, we could always try again..." she muttered to nobody. Unfortunately, it caught the attention of Daku Atsu.

"Idiot! Don't you know that attempting to summon a demon twice in one day is dangerous to the demonic rifts?" He points at her, glaring daggers through his glasses. "Your ignorance will cost us our lives. Try to be more alert next time!"

Annoyed, Supana was about to argue before Shin came between them. "Daku has a point. I've... erm, read stories about doing demonic summonings more than once in a day, all of them ending in failure."

Supana gave Shin a look. "Ugh, Shin you're defending his stupid arrogance." Despite wearing an eyepatch, she tried her best to do her best puppy dog face, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Can't you be on my side for once?"

A book was thrown across the room and impacted directly at Supana's head.

"Ow! What the- who threw that!"

Chojo looked at the ground nervously. "Sorry, my fingers, they slipped."

"Well uh, be more careful next time." Oka said nervously.

"WHAT. He hit me and all he gets is a "be more careful?"

"Well, uh... try not to slip any fingers in the future?" she looked to the ground. Kokuma put her arm around Supana and gave her a reassuring smile, yet Supana was still fuming.

Shin picked up the book and dusted it off. "Demonic Ritual Summoning and You." he read. "I think we should update our bibliography." he turned to Oka who was blushing profusely.

"I-is there something w-wrong with that one?" she said slightly apologetically. Shin shook his head.

"Well... I don't think we'll be summoning any demons anytime soon with this." He opened it to a random page, reading the random trivia about movie demons and Paranormal Activity. Shaking his head once more, he shut the book and tossed it in the trash.

"That's a library book..." Chojo said, quiet as usual.

Supana threw her hands in the air- "It doesn't matter! Oka didn't you want to announce something anyway?" The other club members nodded in agreement. Oka did call an emergency club meeting today, and the only thing they've done is the usual so far. You know, satanic rituals!

"R-right. The reason I've called you here today, is because I've decided who's going to be Vice President." She smiled. "It uh, was kinda hard to decide but..."

"I humbly accept this honor as the next occult club vice-"

"Shin, you're the next president."


Supana and Kokuma clapped for him as Shin looked left and right. He couldn't believe this was happening! Vice President of the Occult club? Him? He smiled widely, breathing heavily in surprise.

Yandere Shin- with Chojo and Daku! (The sequel to Yandere Shin)Where stories live. Discover now