There is no stronger force than love

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It was a week ago. I reached for the book on the top shelf with no luck. Hmph. Taro could have reached it for me. I really wish that he have joined the Occult club with me- it would be nice for us to share the same club, and even nicer for him to grab the book for me.

The thought of our hands touching! ... Am I blushing?

"Do you need help...?" said a quiet voice behind me. It's impossible for me not to recognize that voice coming from Chojo Tekina. I didn't answer- he never gave me time to answer. He immediately grabbed a nearby chair and gripped the book I was aiming for. He stared at the cover- "Myths about reincarnation." he read aloud.

I stared at the ground. "Yeah, it's for the next ritual." I lied. "I think it may have some useful information for us."

Chojo stepped down, holding the book with both hands. He extended his arms, as if he were giving me a love letter. The look on his face was a little... off. Intense. Creepy.

"Thanks..." I said, taking the book. I was about to leave the room when he decided to say something else.

"I've read that book before..." he said softly. "You have to obtain the heart of the person you desire if you want to reincarnate with no consequences." I looked back to him staring at me. "It has to be intact, which might be difficult to obtain."

"The heart...?"

"It is the primary ingredient of reincarnating the person you love." he smiled.

"The person I... love? No, no you've got it all wrong! I'm just-" Before I finished, Chojo got extremely close to me, inches away from my face.

"There is no stronger force than love." he whispers.

My personal space felt completely violated, and I automatically took a step back, nearly tripping on my feet and falling on my ass if there wasn't a bookshelf behind me to lean on. I think he noticed my reaction to his weird behavior, but instead of apologizing or trying to brush it off, he smiled and laughed a little.

"Oops. I got a little close, didn't I..." he giggled.

What was his problem? I'm just trying to do some research and he keeps bugging me. It's been like this for the last couple of weeks.

Every time I happen to be alone with Chojo Tekina, he does something extremely awkward and even a little creepy, and whenever there's a large crowd of people around us, he's so quiet I can barely hear him. He's always like that, but around people, it's like he turns down some kind of personal volume control, and turns up his "social skills". If that makes any sense.

I'm wasting too much time here. I haven't done any research on my premature reincarnation since I've come back to this Earth, and wasting time with Chojo's weirdness isn't helping. If this stupid book has any information it could be useful, and if not, well, it could be a nice coaster for my drink.

"I need to go." I abruptly told him, attempting to walk past him. He moved in front of me, like this is some kind of cute game where you block a person from leaving. "Tekina, I need to-" I tried to push past him but he grabbed my arms. His grin was huge- was he really trying to play a game?

"Tekina, what are you doing?" I struggled to get free of his grip. "Get off!" We struggled for a little bit, with Chojo still doing that creepy grin of his. I swear I heard him laugh.

Eventually he let go. And sent me crashing into the bookshelf, sitting on my ass with dozens of heavy books falling on my head.

His creepy laughter echoed in the clubroom. It gradually became louder, and the louder it got the more crazed he looked.

I sat there, frozen. I wasn't scared. Not this time.

He stopped laughing. We both stared at each other for what felt like hours, and he still had that deranged smile on his face. God, I wish he could stop!

...But of course, he didn't. Instead, he said something. Something I should have paid attention to a long time ago.

"That's the Shin I know... shy, clumsy Shin...." He began to slowly turn around, starting to leave the clubroom. "The Shin who I lo-..."

I didn't hear the rest. I blanked him out. Soon, he was gone My head was throbbing from the number of books falling on me. I got up though- I had to. Staying here and being another victim of Chojo's weirdness wasn't going solve my questions. But even so, the thought of my reincarnation isn't exactly on my mind either.

Instead... I'm thinking of... telling Taro that I'm hurt.

Oh, the look on his face when he sees me in pain! He'll ask me- "Shin, are you okay, buddy?" and I'll absolutely melt in his arms when he carries me to the nurse! I'll fake passing out- that'll get him to hold me! And when he asks me how it happened, I'll just tell him the truth- books fell on my head! It's the perfect plan!

This is the happiest day of my life!
...Was what I was thinking.

Instead, I should have payed more attention to Chojo Tekina's deranged personality. I should have focused on my coming back to life. And once again, I put my love of Taro over my general good thinking.

Should I have realized my imminent danger? Yes. Should I have reprioritized everything so I could save myself in the future? Yes. Should I have focused only a tiny bit more on that fact that Chojo Tekina is a psychopath in the making? Yes.

Do I regret it? No.

Never. Taro Yamada always come first. Even if I have to be the one to pay for my love.

mostly filler~ sorry :(

Yandere Shin- with Chojo and Daku! (The sequel to Yandere Shin)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum