His unmentionables

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Shin's POV

"So if you multiply the problem by two... then add four... the multiply it by the divided answer..." I show Taro my mathematical prowess. "The answer... is four!"

"Shin, that's the eighth time you said "four!" The answer is 604!" Taro holds up the answer key to my face and points to the answer. I sigh and restart the question. "S-sorry..."

He closes the book and takes my pencil away right when I'm about to crack this code. "It's alright Shin. How about we get something to eat? I think that you'll concentrate better with a full stomach." Hm... lunch with Taro always sounds good. I'll postpone my fake stupidity for now for a relaxing lunch with my best friend.

"Sure. Sounds great. This question was really messing with me." In truth I knew the answer, but I forced myself to not not write 604 so Taro could keep tutoring me. Sometimes he takes my hand and helps me work out the problems, and he looks me in the eye every time he explains something to me. If it could be like this all the time I'd forcibly remove the number 604 from my life altogether.

But now it's time for food. We gather our things and head to our special water fountain for the remainder of lunch period. I hope Taro doesn't see me gushing, but I just can't help appreciating the perfection of this day! And after today I get to have Taro's undivided attention all weekend! And all I have to do is enjoy the rest of my day with Taro Yamada~

Familiar beeps in a musical tune come from Taro's phone. Right, text messaging. Why am I so not used to contact? But I AM used to the song that Taro chose as his text alert!

"Is that... Frozen?" I grimace.

Taro laughs and replays the beeps. "Hahaha, well after your performance at the Drama club, I had to get something to remind me of it."

"Please don't remember the day I made an ass of myself." I cringe at that memory as Taro cringes at his phone. "Oh man...." he mumbles.

"What?" I ask him.

"My parents want me to study this weekend. Again." Crap... crap crap crap....! So this means...

"So... we can't hang out at all?"

His silence says it all. But I put on my happy face- like always- for him. "That's okay! You go study! We can hang out another time." I've been looking forward to today, but I'll have to settle for what I have now. The weekend is going to be so lonely without him, and now I don't have any plans! I hope Chojo and Daku aren't busy.

"Shin?" Crap! Don't space out in front of Taro! "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your thoughts." He... he noticed my weird thinking patterns? He does care! "Either way, I'm glad your not mad." He turns his head away from me, staring at the falling cherry blossoms outside.

"Osana... she would have been mad at me for days, you know?"

...ugh. HER. Why is he mentioning her? She's gone. Forever.

I copy his behavior and stare at the falling petals too. "I believe you. Nice wasn't her default emotion." He doesn't say anything back, but just continues to stare at nature.

"Hey," Gotta change the subject. "Did you know that that cherry blossoms are good luck? My dad and I used to count them before the fall, and the winner gets... well... whatever they want it's your luck!" I point at the beautiful falling leaves and begin counting. "One, two, three-"

"Four..." Taro picks up my count and points to three more, speaking again at eight. "Eight, nine, ten..."

I don't count anymore; I want Taro to do it for me. He counts petals like seconds, and I relish every one of them coming and going. Huh, like Osana. She came, she went, like time. And you should never think about time passing or else you'll miss the opportunities in front of you- which may have blue hair and tired eyes.

Yandere Shin- with Chojo and Daku! (The sequel to Yandere Shin)Where stories live. Discover now